One question I’ve been asking myself recently is this, “Why do we as Christians need to be concerned about Money, and what the Bible says about it?”.
When we think about our finances, it often feels like our faith and our money should be mutually exclusive. They have really nothing to do with each other, right?
The Bible has plenty to say on the subject of money. In fact throughout the entire Bible there are over 2,350 verses concerning money according to Randy Alcorn. The only area of concern that Jesus talked about more often is the Kingdom of God.
Why talk so much about money? Because the Scriptures make clear that a person’s actions and attitudes about money has a profound connection to their spiritual life. Often we have a disconnect and see them as wholly separate areas of life. Christ explains that they are connected and warns us of how money can become a huge stumbling block.
In Matthew 6:24 Jesus stated that, “You cannot serve God and wealth”. There-in lies the essential fact that we as sinners have a bit of spiritual attention deficit disorder, and we are not able to serve two masters. Jesus stated, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”(Matthew 6:21). So when we have a lot of worldy possessions, we tend to get comfortable, forget where our true treasure lies (In Jesus Christ) and we begin to trust more in our money than we do in God.
My hope for this blog is that it can be a reminder to me, and to others of just how important a biblical perspective on personal finance and integrity within your financial life is. I know I’m already learning from it, and I hope you do too. Drop me a line at my email to the right – or leave me a comment. Thanks!
Yes, and do I spend more time perusing moneysaving sites than I do reading the Bible?
Well, I think it comes down to the quality of time I give.
My Bible Study time is approx. 15 minutes of intense devotion, concentration & uplifting communication with our Maker. Usually, everyday without fail!
My playing time on the computer with wonderful sites such as these range from about 1-2 hours every few days.
I love lying in bed talking to God before anyone gets up, going to Mass, singing hymns with hubby etc. etc. and I cannot even begin to put a time approximation on that!
Point taken though – we have to have these two considerations firmly implanted but never ever (how easy it is to do when we feel complacent)let money rule our lives!
GREAT ARTICLE …was doing some reflection of my myself & my business (Lawrence Creative Financing) and will keep you article in mind..