Last year I participated in a great project spearheaded by Bob over at, called the “10 Day Give“. The project was aimed at getting us out of our comfort zone, changing our mindset and getting us to give to our fellow man. The time has come for this year’s 10 Day Give!
As Christians we are called to give by Christ:
Jesus looked at him and loved him. ‘One thing you lack,’ he said. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ Mark 10:21
I want to be more giving, but sometimes I get into the routine of life, and it just becomes secondary – even though it shouldn’t be. This project helps to jump start that giving attitude, and get us moving in the right direction.
Here’s how Bob describes the 10 Day Give:
The 10 Day Give is a challenge that is designed to help us get our minds off of ourselves and start thinking about how we can help others.
The thing is, I think most people really want to make other people’s lives better, but with everything going on all around us all hours of the day, we just don’t get a chance. This is an opportunity to choose, on purpose, to give of ourselves. There really are hundreds of opportunities that we overlook each day. My goal is to just grab hold of one of them each day.
For some people that means giving money, for others time is far more precious than money, and for others it may mean their expertise in an area. But, no matter who you are, we all have something to give.
It could be taking someone out to lunch, it could be babysitting for an overworked mom, it can as simple as giving your precious time by taking your mom to the park to talk. There are no rules, no judges, and no right or wrong ways of completing the challenge.
But, I encourage you to sign up for the challenge and decide to give whatever you can – it’s only for 10 days. And who knows, maybe it will become a habit.
So, why not decide to take 10 days to give something to a different person, each day. It doesn’t matter what the gift is, how much it costs, who it is given to, or how it is given. The point is to just to give – on purpose. We hope you decide to join us.
I’ll be starting my giving today by sending a donation to a missionary that I know. How will you give?
Join us in the 10 Day Give, go sign up over at the program page! For a few more details, check out the video at the top right of the screen. If you’re on the homepage, you will need to click into the post page to view the video.
Once you’re started giving – leave a comment here and tell us how you’ve given, or give the rest of us some ideas on how we might be able to give!
Looking for some ideas on how to give? Check out Craig’s post “101 Ways To Give” over at
What a great idea! I will give more to my church’s efforts at providing humanitarian relief around the world, as well as sending my parents a check to help pay for my brother’s current missionary efforts. And, of course, I can sign up to volunteer at the community center. It doesn’t always have to be about the money!
Thanks for including my 101 ways to give list.
BTW your readers should know that you practice what you preach. Thanks for your faith, integrity, and generosity – or is it just wealth? (See previous post)
Craig Ford´s last post ..101 Ways To Give: Time, Money, Energy, and Talents