God emphasizes four main financial principles of contentment, hard work, stewardship, and generosity repeatedly. It’s important to keep all 4 in balance.
You Can Unlock Great Rewards If You Do This One Thing
God instilled in each of us a work ethic. You cannot profit though – financially or otherwise – if you choose to give it less than your best.
Have Money But No Time, Or Have Time But No Money: What’s Your Preference?
Do you prefer to work hard now so you’ll have a nice retirement, or would you prefer to scale back now so you have more time in retirement?
Want To Work In Retirement? It May Not Be As Easy As You Think
If you plan to retire and still work, here are some steps you should take to bolster your success.
Waking Up Early: Can This One Action Be The Key To A Successful Life?
If you’re not rich, but would like to be someday, you might spend some time reading what the wealthy do. One thing a lot of successful people do is wake up early. Here’s why.
If Attending A Professional Conference Is Going To Be A Financial Hardship, Should You Still Go?
No matter your career path, there’s likely a professional conference for you. But if you don’t have the necessary cash, should you still go?
What Motivates You The Most?
When we understand what motivates us the most, we can perform better financially, physically, and relationally. So What motivates you?
Interviewing For A Job? Tailor Your Responses To An Interviewer’s Needs
The entire premise of The Inner View of Your Interview is that job seekers should tailor their responses to an interviewer’s needs. Everything surrounding your next job interview, from your resume to your cover letter to your interview preparation should be tailored for each and every position and organization. Never lie, never exaggerate your answers, […]
God’s Provident Plan: Diligent Work And Good Stewardship
Where contentment helps us to spend less on ourselves, understanding God’s call to work diligently helps us earn more money.
Devotional: Created For Work
Ugh! Hard work? Yuck! Isn’t it just easier to sit back, relax, and let the world turn? Well, sure. But what fun is that? Created For Work The more I work, the more I understand that this is one thing I was born to do. When you think about it, work is truly life. Doing something […]
Financial Goals, Home Life, And Parkinson’s Law
Trying to balance work and life? Here are a few tips to keep you on your feet when setting goals for your finances, work and family.
The 10 Toughest Jobs
Sometimes we work for pleasure. But, more often than not, people work for money. Since working is an exchange of your time, energy, and talent it is best to find a job that you love and enjoy. However, many people are working in extremely tough and demanding job fields. I found an old resource (1988) – The […]
What Does It Take To Successfully Work From Home?
Traditionally working a full time job involved wearing a suit, a commute, and a cubical. The landscape has changed so drastically, however, that many people who work for corporations (even large ones) find themselves working from home a few days a week, on a regular basis. In addition, the number of home based businesses has […]
Should You Take A Pay Cut For A Ministry Related Position?
Play, School, Work, Retire, Die. This it seems is the circle of life for many. On a poll at Care2 the question was asked, “Do you find your work satisfying?” Out of 1481 respondents, 43% answered “no”. Our work consumes a vast amount of our time. If you were to start working full time (40 […]