Clunkers For Cash Active As Of July 1st The Cash For Clunkers program has been active as of July 1st, and if you have an eligible car, you can now take advantage of the program. As a quick refresher, what vehicles are eligible for $3500-4500 voucher? Must be in drivable condition. (That means you can’t […]
Common Questions About The Cash For Clunkers Program Answered: Gas Guzzler Rebate FAQ
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the Cash For Clunkers program that was expected to be passed. Now, a couple of weeks later the program has passed and is signed into law, and people will soon be able to take advantage of it. I’ve been getting emails and comments surrounding the program, asking […]
Cash For Clunkers Rebate Program Might Save You Money On Your Next New Car Purchase. But Is It A Good Idea?
Rebates, Tax Credits And Stimulating The Economy The Obama administration has been giving us all sorts of stimulus packages this year that aim to stimulate spending in troubled sectors of our economy, and jumpstart consumer spending. First we had the tax incentives for new car purchases, and then the $8000 tax credit for first time […]
One Time Economic Recovery Payment Of $250 For People Who Get Federal Benefits. Who Gets One, And Who Doesn’t.
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The law provides for a one-time economic recovery payment of $250 to people who get certain types of Federal benefits. I’ve gotten several questions over the past few weeks about that one time payment, and how it works. There […]
When Will We See An Increase In Our Paychecks Due To The Stimulus Package?
credit: kozumel A few weeks ago the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was passed. Since it was passed we have talked about quite a few of the benefits including home buyer tax credits, sales tax credits for new car buyers, and a post about overall stimulus package benefits. Today I thought we could […]
New Economic Stimulus And Transportation Accounts
This is an article from our good friends over at Free From Broke is a great site with tons of great content about saving money and keeping you free from broke! Check out the site and subscribe to the RSS feed! Does your employer offer a Transportation Spending Account? credit: *Solar ikon* This is […]
How Much Extra Will I See In My Paycheck Because Of The 2009 Economic Stimulus Package?
credit: katmere What Benefits Will I See From The Stimulus Bill? The last week or so I’ve been looking at the 2009 Economic Stimulus bill that was passed, and talking a little more in depth about what some of the benefits are that people can expect to receive. We talked about home buyer tax credits, […]
Sales Tax Deductions For New Car Buyers in 2009 Obama Economic Stimulus Package
Buy A New Automobile, Get A Deduction! Earlier this year President Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package. I posted about how individual taxpayers are affected by the stimulus bill, and looked at some of the things they can expect to receive. One of the things added to the bill was a temporary provision […]
First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit of $8,000 in 2009 Economic Stimulus Package
Stimulus Package Good For First Time Homebuyers The 2009 Economic Stimulus Package passed and was signed into law earlier this week. On Wednesday I posted about what parts of the stimulus bill will affect individuals, and what benefits you can receive from the stimulus package. Today I thought I’d take a closer look at one […]
How The Stimulus Package Will Affect Individuals: What Will I Get?
The 2008 Stimulus Bill Has Passed If you’re looking for details about the 2020 coronavirus stimulus package, please had on over to this other post about 2020 stimulus checks. Now that the $787 billion stimulus package has passed and been signed into law by President Obama, everyone is scrambling trying to figure out what they’ll […]
Congressional Budget Office Says 2009 Stimulus Package Could Be Harmful To Economy
credit: kevindooley The Congressional Budget Office released a statement this week stating that they believed the current versions of the 2009 stimulus package would actually be harmful to our nation’s economy in the long run. President Obama’s economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to […]
Voter Support For Stimulus Package Is Dropping
The more I’ve been hearing about the stimulus package that President Obama has been pushing these past few weeks, the less I’ve liked about it. It seems to be full of all sorts of unnecessary spending, and a good deal of it not even targeted in ways that could actually help. Now, according to a […]
Obama 2009 Stimulus Plan Could Exceed $775 Billion Dollars
As the new year gets closer the President-elect and his team are making plans for the new year, and his first term in office. One of the first things on the table, a stimulus package that could reach or exceed $775 billion dollars. Regarding the new administration’s stimulus plan, Mr. Axelrod also said that the […]
Obama Considers $500 Billion Stimulus Package For Early 2009
credit: Tony the Misfit Sounds like a stimulus plan is in the works, to be signed by President elect Obama once he is sworn in. From the Wall Street Journal: Aides to President-elect Barack Obama and President George W. Bush are rushing to craft measures to shore up financial markets and prevent a policy vacuum […]