Ideally we would approach our financial decisions with nothing but numbers in our heads. But for most of us our emotions play a huge role in our finances.
How To Form Good Money Habits That Stick
One of the biggest challenges faced by many consumers is that they don’t know how to form good money habits that stick. It’s depressingly easy to get caught in a personal finance boom and bust cycle in which you live spare for a few months to pay off debt, and then, once the scarcity is […]
Do Our Shortened Attention Spans Cause Us To Spend More Money?
Using the Internet and social media has caused us to have a shorter attention span than we used to, and some would suggest that it leads to higher spending.
Is It Better To Spend Money On Experiences Or Material Things?
How can we use the money that we’ve earned in a way that maximizes our happiness? Is it better to spend on material things, or on experiences?
7 Things Unrelated To Money That Can Boost Your Finances
There are things that have little or nothing to do with money that can actually have a big impact on your finances. Here are a few.
Bouncing Back From A Financial Slip Up
We all slip up in our finances from time to time. Using those slip ups to learn and improve our finances is key to long term success.
Find the Bright Side And Watch Your Life Satisfaction Improve
Practicing an attitude of gratitude can help you in all walks of your life–financial, career, marriage–just to name a few. Why not try it today?
Debt Is Like Quicksand: The Struggle To Escape Can Often Lead To Greater Problems
Dealing with debt can seem like you’re sinking in quicksand. The psychological burden of dealing with scarcity can lead to even more poor financial decisions, and more debt.
Avoid The Distractions And Keep Your Focus On Your Goals Or You’ll End Up With Empty Pockets
Far too often people have a hard time focusing on and achieving a goal because there are so many things distracting their attention along the way.
The Downside Of Facebook: Facebook Envy
Facebook is a great tool to keep up with family and friends, share pictures of your kids, ask for advice, keep others posted about what is happening in your life and learn what is happening in other people’s lives. I have some friends from college that I don’t talk to regularly, but I know what […]
Do You Really NEED it? Or Just Want It?
Do We Really Need That? A while back my wife and I were talking about how we needed to get a new TV in our bedroom. It was 2009, and with the digital switchover happening that year, we had two options to consider. First we could buy a digital to analog converter box for about […]
Why Do You Really Want To Be Rich?
What are the real reasons that many of us have for wanting to be rich? What goals for wealth do you have? Why do you want to be rich?
The Best Retirement Plan Is The One You Start And Actually Contribute To
With skyrocketing health care and other costs, the best retirement plan is one you actually begin and start contributing to today.
How To Start Your Dream Job
There are usually two jobs people talk about when asked what they do: their actual job and their dream job. What’s holding you back from starting your dream job?