When you have mortgage debt forgiven due to a short sale or foreclosure, will you be liable to pay for the forgiven amount when it comes to tax time?
Will A Short Sale Hurt Your Credit, And Will You Even Qualify For One?
A lot of people are finding themselves underwater in their homes and are considering a short sale to unload their home. But should they?
2011 Changes To Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) Coming Soon
The Obama administration has announced changes to HARP program eligibility rules to allow more borrowers to become eligible to refinance.
Mortgage Junk Mail: How To Evaluate Direct Mail Refinance Offers
For anyone who owns a home, it’s practically impossible to avoid junk mail related to refinancing the property. Are any of those offers legitimate?
Mortgage Bail-Out For Homeowners Struggling To Make Mortgage Payments: The Emergency Homeowner Loan Program
The government has just launched “The Emergency Homeowner Loan Program” which gives help to those struggling to make mortgage payments.
Mortgage Quotes And The Highest Customer Satisfaction From Quicken Loans
Quicken Loans have been around for 25+ years, and have a solid record of good customer service. Are they a Mortgage company worthy of your time?
Is Homeownership A Right?
Has home ownership gone from being a privilege for those who work hard and save up, to becoming a right for everyone?
Mortgage Quotes And Costco Discounts From CapWest Mortgage
CapWest Mortgage is a subsidiary of Farmers Bank & Trust, founded in 1907 as a small local bank in a central Kansas town. Are they a solid Mortgage company?
Is It Ok To Walk Away From Your Underwater Mortgage? [Infographic]
More than 11 million families are in “negative equity”, they owe more on their home than it is worth. Is it OK for them to walk away from their mortgage?
Mortgage Applications Rise Even As Rates Inch Up. Is It Time To Buy Or Refinance?
The real estate market was hit hard in the recent downturn. But not all is lost. Rates are low, and home prices are down. Buying a house? You’re in luck.
Mortgage Forgiveness For Underwater Homeowners: Will Obama Forgive Billions Of Dollars In Mortgage Principal?
I was reading up on what’s new in the mortgage markets and the economy over the weekend, and one piece of reporting caught my eye because it seemed like it couldn’t possibly be true. It was talking about how the Obama administration is considering making a move later this month where Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
Should You Rent Or Buy A House?
Looking back on my financial life 10 years ago I thought owning a home was a sign I had achieved one of the most important financial goals. Not only did it mean I had good enough income to afford a mortgage, insurance and property taxes, I had an investment I could watch grow for years […]
Things You Do That Could Cost You Money When Buying A Home
The last few years have been tough ones for the real estate market, and especially for the banks who have watched as thousands of their home loans have gone into default, and homes into foreclosure. Because the lending market has become so tough, lending guidelines have already started changing, making it tougher for some people […]
Buying A Home? Consider The Costs Of Home Ownership First!
Owning a home can be a blessing or a curse. Truly, homeownership can lead to great wealth or great financial ruin. If you’re thinking about buying a house, consider these potential expenses before diving in. While you might already be paying for some of these things while renting, it is still important to have an […]