Here are more than 50 ideas for ways to make money. From maximizing current income, to making money on your hobby to creating a side business.
Financial Literacy Month: Why Being Knowledgeable About Personal Finance Will Save You From The Unexpected
April is Financial Literacy Month, and was officially designated as such by the US Senate in 2003. Here’s are some reasons why financial literacy is so important.
Happy Easter! Why Did Jesus Fold The Napkin?
Happy Easter Everyone! Here’s a post from an Easter a few years ago! Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… 1 Peter 1:3 Now if we died […]
Mobile Wallet: Path To Future Financial Ruin?
Most Americans carry their cell phones everywhere, so there is great reason to be excited by technological advances such as a mobile wallet. Simply use your phone to pay everywhere you go and leave the credit cards and cash behind. Benefits Of The Mobile Wallet Even better, the mobile wallet offers many benefits that credit […]
Where Did You Get Your Money Smarts?
A recent CNN story reported that 42% of people learned their financial smarts from their parents. That means over half of those surveyed felt they received the majority of their financial education from outside of their home. If people aren’t learning from their parents, it begs the question: Where are people learning about money? It’s […]
4 Things You Should Do Once You Land Your First Job
One of the most exciting financial milestones in many lives is the first job. Whether it’s your very first job working part-time while a high school student, or your first job after graduating from college, you need to make the most of it. Starting out right is vital if you want financial freedom later. So, […]
Why Do You Really Want To Be Rich?
What are the real reasons that many of us have for wanting to be rich? What goals for wealth do you have? Why do you want to be rich?
Psalm 49: Important Lessons About Your Personal Finances
Psalm 49 gives us some very important warnings about our personal finances and wealth in general.
Dave Ramsey Comments On My Post About His New House, His Debt Philosophy And Giving
Dave Ramsey recently built a new house and paid cash for it. I wrote about it, and a discussion quickly started, which Ramsey himself added to. Here’s a further discussion of what he had to say.
Family Gives Back Over $45,000 That They Found In Their New Home
A man recently bought a new house, and found over $45,000 in cash stashed in the attic. What did he do with the money?
Make A Total Financial Picture Spreadsheet With Account Logins, Assets, Liabilities And Insurance.. Just In Case
I put together a “Total Financial Picture Spreadsheet” that gives a snapshot of your finances to your loved ones in case you were to die or become disabled.
How To Get Your Spouse Involved In The Family Finances
For some reason, most people in this culture find it extremely difficult to talk about their finances, even with a spouse. Here are some ways to make it easier.
One Million Dollars: How Much Will It Buy In Thirty Years?
I don’t have a million dollars just yet; in fact, I’m far from it! If I’m diligent with my savings, my retirement account will reach the big M, but what does that really mean in 30 years? The number itself doesn’t mean anything – the purchasing power of those dollars is what counts. I know […]
Are You In A Position To Help Others?
As you read scripture, you probably notice injunctions to help the poor, widows, orphans and other unfortunates. I believe that one of the reasons that God blesses some of us with resources is so that we can help others. When we properly manage our finances, and do well with the stewardship given us, we put […]