Finding ways to save money on your groceries can take a great deal of time. Here are a few tips to save you time, and save you money on your grocery bill.
Is Netflix A Cost Efficient Entertainment Option For You?
Are you getting the most out of your Netflix account? How much is it costing you? Here’s how you can find out.
A Life Of Their Own: Top 5 Cars That Were Built To Last
One father does research to find what vehicle will be the most reliable and dependable for his 16 year old son.
5 Tips To Fatten Your Wallet During The Holidays
YAY, It’s Christmas! A time of family, joy, singing, and love that also happens to boost the US economy up and bring many retailers back into the black for the year. However, it is also a time when you will need more money than usual to buy gifts, hold parties, and travel to visit loved […]
The Great Big List Of 75 Frugal Gifts You Can Give This Christmas
Christmas time is only a month and a half away! At our house it’s one of the most joyous times of the year as we celebrate the birth of our savior, and revel in all the blessings we have seen in our lives during the year. This year we’re celebrating the birth of our first […]
Is It Harder To Not Fall Prey To Consumerism When You Can Afford It More?
Last night I was watching a great set of video interviews by Adam Baker over at with other popular writers, bloggers and world travelers. I can’t link to the videos because they’re actually part of his great new premium e-book package that he’s offering called “Sell Your Crap“. ( I started reading the e-books […]
Would You Give Up Your Favorite Financial Sin To Achieve Financial Freedom?
I often listen to motivational speeches and read spiritual, uplifting material. It’s positive and always has great life lessons we can learn, regardless of our religious choices. A couple of years back I heard a speech by a prominent religious motivational speaker about sin and sacrifice. This man spends a lot of his time with […]
3 Things You Can Do To Simplify Your Life In 24 Hours
One of our most serious enemies is Complexity. It saps your time by overwhelming you to the point of atrophy, and can lead us to believe there is nothing we can do about our chaotic lives. Whether you are struggling with your finances or simply needing to breathe easier, here are three things you can do […]
Car Maintenance Tips To Avoid Car Debt
It’s a good idea to stay in front of what your car will cost you, and have a good game plan for handling car maintenance costs.
How To Get The Best Deal When Signing Up For Cable Or Satellite TV
For the longest time, I vowed that I would never pay for cable or satellite TV. For the first 33 years of my life, I didn’t, and I got along just fine. My wife and I do enjoy movies and TV, but we have found ways to get our favorite shows without paying the high […]
Going To The Minnesota State Fair Is Expensive! How To Avoid Spending Too Much.
My wife and I, along with a group of our friends, went to the Minnesota State Fair this past weekend. For those who don’t know the Minnesota State Fair is the largest state fair in the United States in terms of average daily attendance. Daily attendance can average anywhere from 100,000 people all the way […]
How To Get A Deal And Save Money When You’re Buying Electronics Or Other High Ticket Items
My wife and I have always enjoyed watching movies and TV shows at home. You could say we’re movie buffs. We’ve got a nice finished basement in our home with a big sectional couch facing our home theater where we can lie in front of the TV and watch to our heart’s content. It’s one […]
Why You Should Beware Of Things Offered For Free
Psychologists tell us that the word “free” sets off a mental trigger. Endorphins are released when you see the word ‘free’. Yet, ‘free’ also makes us immediately skeptical. People say ‘free’ is never free. Free means that you have the opportunity to receive something without cost. The reality is that nothing is free! The only […]
Tempted To Spend? Remove The Source Of The Temptation
It is so hard these days to not spend money. We’re constantly bombarded with offers to spend. Remove the temptations to spend and saving will become that much easier