If you have a significant amount of debt, there is no easy way around the fact that you must change your behavior to eradicate the problem.
How To Negotiate With Your Credit Card Company: What Options Do You Have When It Comes To Credit Card Debt?
If you’ve found yourself with a huge amount of credit card debt, what are your options when it comes to reducing your rates, reducing principal, or settling the debt?
Paying Down Debt Should Be Like Interval Training
Sometimes when you’re in the middle of paying off debt you start to burnout and need a break. Here’s why taking a break on debt repayment can be a good idea.
How To Do A 401(k) Loan: Pros And Cons Of Borrowing From A Retirement Plan
The 401(k) often has an option where you can take out a loan and pay yourself interest. There are risks to be aware of, however, when taking out a 401(k) loan.
Will A Short Sale Hurt Your Credit, And Will You Even Qualify For One?
A lot of people are finding themselves underwater in their homes and are considering a short sale to unload their home. But should they?
Should You Borrow From Family Members?
Within the last four years, it has become more difficult to borrow. In that environment, more people are considering borrowing from family. Should they?
What Does The Obama Student Loan Relief Program Offer?
It is no secret that many Americans graduate from college with debt. The government may be offering some help to those with student loans.
2 Years Without Credit Cards: Do I Regret It?
We’ve been without credit cards for two years now. The question is do we regret cutting up those cards in favor of cash only spending?
Should You Reveal Your Debt To Family And Friends?
If you are struggling to get out of debt, should you reveal your debt to your family and friends, or keep it on the down low?
4 Things You Should Do Once You Land Your First Job
One of the most exciting financial milestones in many lives is the first job. Whether it’s your very first job working part-time while a high school student, or your first job after graduating from college, you need to make the most of it. Starting out right is vital if you want financial freedom later. So, […]
How To Erase Your Debts The Hard Way
I’m convinced that there is only one surefire way to undo your debts. By paying them off the old fashioned way, with hard work and planning.
How Much And What Kind Of Debt Have You Incurred In Your Lifetime?
How many credit cards, mortgage and other credit accounts do you have on your credit report?How much have you spent on credit over the years?
Is It A Wrong For A Christian To Use Debt Of Any Kind? Is Being In Debt Sin?
Is it biblical to take on a mortgage, or to go into debt of any kind as a Christian? What does the Bible say about the topic?
Building Up Debt Is Easy. Getting Rid Of Debt Takes Dedication And Hard Work
Over the years I’ve never really been someone who spends large amounts of money, but if I’m completely honest I haven’t exactly been frugal all the time either. When I was younger I never really denied myself the things I wanted, even when I didn’t necessarily have the cash on hand to buy it. If […]