Dave Ramsey is beloved around the world, and his Baby Steps have helped thousands achieve financial freedom. See 4 things we love and 4 things we would change.
The Legacy Journey By Dave Ramsey: Building Wealth And Leaving A Legacy
Dave Ramsey’s new class, The Legacy Journey, looks in depth at building wealth, investing and God centered stewardship as a way to leave a legacy.
Is Gazelle Intensity A Long-Term Strategy For Staying Debt Free?
Is gazelle intensity a good long term solution for debt reduction, or does it leave people vulnerable to going right back into debt?
7 Lessons I’ve Learned While Paying Down Our Debt
Here are seven lessons we’ve learned while we’ve been paying down debt over the past couple of years.
An Emergency Fund Is More Than Just Money In The Bank: You May Have More Money Available Than You Think
If having a small emergency fund of $1,000 or even $3,000 makes you nervous, keep in mind that you probably have much more money available to you than you think.
Finances Are Important… But Are You Taking The Time To Enjoy Your Life?
You care about your finances, but are you taking the time to truly enjoy your life, and your money, now?
ReadyForZero Review: A Program To Help You Pay Down Your Debt
ReadyForZero is a valuable tool for those who want to get out of debt, and best of all, it is free! Here is a full ReadyForZero review.
Financial Peace University (FPU) Review: The New Updated 2012 Membership Kit And Class
Financial Peace University has been used by millions to escape the chains of debt. This month a newly revised version of the class was released. Here’s what is changing.
Paying Down Debt? Make Sure To Recognize Non-Financial Progress
When you’re paying off debt it’s a good idea to recognize you are making progress, even when it isn’t financial in nature.
Unboxing The New 2012 Financial Peace University (FPU) Membership Kit
Dave Ramsey has just released a new and revamped Financial Peace University class. Today we’re unboxing the new membership kit included with the class.
Being “Normal” Costs An Average of $600,000 Over a Lifetime: Here’s Why We Are Fighting Back
Dave Ramsey is fond of saying that you don’t want to be normal because “normal” is broke. Now, CreditLoan has graphic proof of that in the infographic, “A Lifetime of Debt: The Financial Journey of the Average American.” Comprised of information from several sources, this infographic, which is laid out like the Life board game, […]
Paying Down Debt With Gazelle Intensity? How Much Of An Emergency Fund Do You Need?
Should some families have a larger emergency fund than others? What is the right amount for your family to set aside in an emergency fund?
Which Method Is Best To Pay Off Debt: Lowest Balance To Highest Or Highest Interest To Lowest
When it comes to paying off debt, there are a variety of plans offered by various financial gurus. Which debt repayment plan is the best?
5 Things You Should Not Do If You Have Debt
If you have a significant amount of debt, there is no easy way around the fact that you must change your behavior to eradicate the problem.