A car is a depreciating asset. You buy it, and it immediately goes down in value. A LOT if you buy a new car. Wealthy people buy assets. Poor people buy depreciating assets.
10 Things I Have Learned About Money
This post helped me to win the Free Money Finance March Madness Competition and donate $500 to Second Harvest Heartland Food Bank. You can help make a difference in the lives of hungry families as well by donating HERE. A Year Of Learning About Money Since I started writing this blog back at the end […]
Finances and Personal Responsibility: Who Is To Blame For Your Money Problems?
The Victim Mentality I was reading a post over at Moolanomy.com the other day that really got me thinking about the idea of a victim mentality, personal responsibility and how people handicap themselves by blaming others when they have problems. I think it is helpful to first define when I mean by a victim mentality. […]
What Is Your Approach To Investing?
Learning To Invest A while back I talked about investing tips that we learned in our Financial Peace University class. Among the key things we learned was that you should be out of debt before investing (except mortgage), you NEED to diversify your holdings or risk losing it all, and only work with financial advisers […]
Personal Finance And Momentum: Keep Moving Forward
The Ebb and Flow of Financial Life I’ve been thinking about my financial life a lot more these past few months, and one thing I’ve been noticing is that there is an ebb and flow when it comes to positive changes, and negative backsliding. Things go in spurts. For example, I recently read up on […]
An Expensive Mistake: Having Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Stuff Stolen From My Car
This past weekend was an expensive one for me. And it didn’t have to be. Friday night was going to be a fun evening. I had a company softball game that I was taking part in, and we were all leaving work early to partake in this company game. Our company has two sub-companies, and […]
Unexpected Expense: We Discovered Mold In Our Basement
The discovery I was in the basement on the computer a few days ago and my wife came down the stairs behind me and said, “What is that?”. Normally when she says something like that there is a spider running across the floor that she wants me to kill. This time I wasn’t sure what […]
Credit Card Rewards – Are They Really Worth It?
These last few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about our credit cards, and whether or not we should just close the rest of our credit accounts. My philosophy is becoming more and more anti-debt, and the idea of going credit card free is appealing, albeit a bit scary. It’s becoming less scary as we […]
7 questions that will change your life
I was tagged by a new meme by 3PrincessesMomma. She asks 7 big questions that can change your life. They are: 1. What will I try to improve on next week? 2. What was I most proud of this week? 3. What was my biggest accomplishment this week? 4. What have I done to get […]
Lies and Money: What Are You Keeping From Your Spouse?
Money And Marriage One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot more lately is just how much of a role money can play in a marriage, and how you approach it can determine the success or failure of the relationship. In fact, statistics have shown that the majority of marriages that end in divorce cite […]
Reaching The Tipping Point
My good buddy Glen from freefrombroke, asks this question on his blog: What is your personal finance tipping point? I see there being two tipping points in one’s personal finance. The first is when you finally admit to yourself how bad your finances are and you resolve to do something about it… The second is that […]
Why Is It Important To Have Health Coverage, Even If You’re Healthy?
A question that I’ve struggled with over the past few years is whether the money my wife and I pay every month for health insurance premiums are really worth it. We’re paying thousands of dollars every year for coverage, and we could never really see much benefit. We’re young and healthy and we don’t have […]
Another Non-Frugal Expense: Landscaping Today
Today we’re about to embark on another non-frugal spending spree. This is something that I agreed to over a year ago, but we kept putting it off. Well the time has finally come. We’re finally going to be doing some landscaping in the front yard. We’re going to be adding two Hydrangea bushes, and a […]
You’ve been given so much, now what will you do with it?
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2 A common theme that keeps coming up in my bible study is that we are tasked with being good stewards of what we have been given. Whether we have been given money, special skills, or lots of […]