The majority of people know before they get married if they want children or not. For many of them the decision will take into account the financial impact of having kids.
6 Bad Personal Finance Habits To Avoid Teaching Your Kids
Teaching children about money isn’t easy, and won’t happen overnight. Here are some bad financial behaviors and habits to avoid teaching your kids.
How To Financially Prepare For A New Baby
Possibly one of the largest financial mistakes that future parents make is to underestimate the cost of a baby. Here’s what to expect.
When Should You Stop Paying For Your Child’s Expenses?
An estimated 13.4% of adult children ages 24 to 35 are living at home with their parents. When should parents stop paying for their grown children’s expenses?
Love Your Children? Take Care Of Your Financial Health
Sometimes parents get so wrapped up in caring for their children that they forget to care for themselves, and for their financial health.
Three Ways To Curb Consumerism In Your Children This Christmas
For the past ten years in a row, Gallup polls have shown that Americans spend over $600 each on Christmas presents every year. Studies have shown that it takes months for most families to recover from the holidays after financing most of their spending with credit cards. Unfortunately, our overspending has been filtered down to […]
Use The Web To Teach Teenagers The Importance Of Retirement Savings
One way for your children to avoid financial hard times when they get older is for them to learn about saving and investing strategies when they’re teenagers. Websites are more likely to hold their attention than a chat on the couch. Let’s take a look at a couple of informative websites that can help you […]
Money Lessons I Taught My 5 Year Old
My son just turned 5 years old in July. He is a tall for his age, loves soccer and can’t wait for September to start school. While he is growing up (he doesn’t want to be called a kid anymore but a boy!), I am doing my best to transmit to him as much financial […]
Our Baby Boy Was Born Yesterday!
Our little baby boy Carter John Anderson was born yesterday evening at 8:33 pm, weighing in at 8 pounds even, 21 inches in length. It was a bit of a tough delivery, with the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and then getting his shoulder stuck on the way out, but in the end he […]
The Benefits Of Being A Stay At Home Mom Versus Being A Working Parent
This week is quickly turning into babies and family week. I’m sorry but I just can’t help myself, I’ve got nothing else on my mind lately, understandably. By this time next week I’ll be changing diapers and staying up nights with our new son. One topic that has been close to our hearts these past […]
What Expenses Should I Expect When Having A Child?
As my wife and I prepare for our journey into parenthood, one thing we’ve slowly realized is just how expensive it can be to have children. There are a host of big and small baby expenses that you may not have even considered, and as time goes on they slowly add up to a pretty […]
What Is The Best Way To Save For A New Child?
Well congratulations if you’ve recently found out you’re expecting to have a child! Assuming you’re having a child for the first time you may not know what expenses to expect or how to save for your child. That’s okay. Having children does impact your wallet, but it’s well worth it. Children are a blessing and […]
5 Money Questions For Parents With Kids On The Way
When most parents find out they are expecting there is usually a period (sometime long and sometimes short) when the parents feel a sense of shock. They look at their lives and know there is going to be a lot of changes. In our post today we are going to look at the financial changes […]
Why Shouldn’t You Add Your Kid’s Income Onto Your Tax Return?
This is an article by Carol Topp, CPA. Carol is the mother of two teenage daughters and she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She discusses teenagers and taxes at Bonnie had been adding her son’s interest income to her tax return for many years. That was a $1,000 mistake. She was overpaying Uncle Sam and […]