Kids can benefit from sports in a variety of ways. But is there a point where you might just be spending too much on your child’s sports activities?
Do You Let Your Tweens And Teens Make Financial Mistakes?
I am all for letting kids make financial mistakes, but if I see a poor financial pattern emerging, I will step in. I wish my parents, who gave me complete financial freedom as a teen, had done the same for me.
Save, Save, Save Before You Have Children
Did you save intensely before you had children, or do you find yourself facing sticker shock? Here are some financial things to consider before having children.
5 Growing Expenses To Expect With Older Children
The older kids get, the more expensive they become. How can you handle the increased financial pressure that comes with tweens and teens?
How To Raise A Charitable And Giving Child
Children may naturally be resistant to giving, but with these steps, you can set a charitable example that your child will follow now and in the future.
How We Limited Begging On Our Recent Family Vacation
How do you handle buying souvenirs and dealing with children’s begging when on vacation? Here’s what we did on our most recent trip.
My Child Will Retire At 75? Not If I Can Help It!
I recently saw a Money article that said today’s college graduates can expect to retire at 75! Here’s how we’re hoping to help our kids avoid that.
3 Things To Do Before Taking A Financial Leap Of Faith
Wondering if you should leave your job to work for yourself or stay at home with your kids? Here are 3 things to do before taking the financial leap.
10 Small Business Ideas For Kids
Kids spending the better part of their day head deep in their screens? Few things can get them motivated like a good old dose of capitalism. Here are 10 small business ideas for kids.
What Is A Responsible Number Of Children To Have?
Is there a time when it’s irresponsible to have more kids, or should finances not largely factor into the decision? What are your thoughts?
Kids And Money: Make Saving Fun With Remote Deposit
Have fun with your kids and kindle an interest in saving, and the power of earning interest, by using technology as a teaching tool.
Teach Your Child Financial Independence To Preserve Your Retirement
Teaching your children how to be financially independent in their 20s will go a long way toward helping you preserve your own retirement.
What Is A Custodial Savings Account And What Are The Pros And Cons?
There are times where you may want to help a child to start saving up for the future, saving for college or help to teach them how to manage money. One option to do that is to set up a custodial savings account.
3 Charities That Benefit Children That You Can To Donate To This Holiday Season
This holiday season, there are some great ways to teach your children about helping out those less fortunate. One is by donating to organizations that help other children.