I‘ve been using twitter.com a lot lately to network with other bloggers, come up with ideas for blog posts, push people towards my site, and promote my side-businesses. Twitter has become one of my top 10 sources of traffic since I started using it. Because of that I’ve been a big proponent of using twitter […]
Enforce Your Brand On Twitter: Use A Custom Background
A while back I posted “7 Ways To Use Twitter to Promote Your Blog And Build Traffic” and talked about why Twitter was such a great place for bloggers to hang out, promote their blog, network with other bloggers and do research for new articles. If you haven’t read the article already, you can check […]
7 Ways To Use Twitter To Promote Your Blog And Build Traffic
Use Twitter to boost traffic and subscribers Years and years ago I discovered a great new website called Twitter.com. For those of you who haven’t used the site or are thinking about using it, I like to refer to it as sort of a delayed instant messaging platform where you can network with other bloggers, […]
Quick Tip: Post To Your Blog When You’re Away!
A week or so ago my wife and I were on vacation. While we were gone I didn’t plan on blogging, checking email or even being on the internet. At the same time, I planned on blogging to my new blog every single day. How could I blog every day when I wasn’t going to […]
1 Week Later: My First Week Blogging About Money.
I just wanted to write a quick thank you to all of you out there who have subscribed to my feed, or who keep coming back to the site to check us out on a daily basis. We started out last Wednesday as a brand new blog, no subscribers and no page views except my […]