There are hundreds of Bible verses about money. In this post I explore 8 key financial scriptures that I think every Christian should know.
Fitting Through The Eye Of A Needle: How To Be Wealthy And God-Fearing At The Same Time
Day to day living in modern times includes much more sophistication than that of our Biblical predecessors. Very few of us hike to a well several times a day for water. We don’t spin our own cloth, rely on crude lamps for light, nor do we have to walk everywhere. We own more than two […]
Psalm 49: Important Lessons About Your Personal Finances
Psalm 49 gives us some very important warnings about our personal finances and wealth in general.
Bible Verses About Money: What Does The Bible Have To Say About Our Financial Lives?
The Bible has a lot to say about our financial and spiritual lives. Here is an extended selection of some of the 2000+ bible verses that talk about money.
Should You Tithe On Lottery Winnings?
There are Christians who play the lottery and some who have even won large jackpots, in the millions of dollars. Should Christians tithe on lottery winnings?
Do We Neglect What Matters Most In Pursuit Of Comfort And Pleasure?
Every year during the Christmas season our family likes to watch the old Christmas classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life,””Miracle on 34th Street” and “The Bishop’s Wife.“ In “The Bishop’s Wife” the well-meaning but misguided bishop, Henry, dreams of constructing a monumental cathedral. He is obsessed with his dream and the movie begins as he […]
Overcoming Financial Stress
If you’re like me, you’ve already started to feel the pressure of the increased expenses that come during the end of the year. Things like higher utilities, holiday spending, and end of the year tax prep can really put the pressure on your finances. At the end of last month, I sat down with my […]
God’s Provident Plan: Giving
A while back I examined how I view what the Bible says about personal finance. There was a brief introduction to something I like to call God’s Provident Plan, and I planned on looking at several aspects of God’s Provident Plan in a 4 part series. This is the last post in that series in […]
God’s Provident Plan: Prosperity
Earlier, I laid the foundation for how I studied personal finance in the Bible. I gave you a light introduction to what I call God’s Provident Plan and promised we’d look at each aspect in more depth. This is the third part of a series in which I’ll share what I’ve discovered about personal finance […]
God’s Provident Plan: Diligent Work And Good Stewardship
Where contentment helps us to spend less on ourselves, understanding God’s call to work diligently helps us earn more money.
God’s Provident Plan: Contentment In Christ
Last week, I laid the foundation for how I studied personal finance in the Bible. I gave you a light introduction to what I call God’s Provident Plan and promised we’d look at each aspect in more depth. This is the first part of a series in which I’ll share what I’ve discovered about personal […]
When Is Enough… Enough?
First off I want to thank Peter for having me on his blog as a guest writer. I wanted to try and tackle a tough question for everyone and I am glad he gave me the opportunity. After reading Peter’s article on Dave Ramsey’s New House I started to dive into the comments, post a […]
What Is God’s Plan For A Christian’s Personal Finances?
How many of you have heard that there are over 2,000 Bible verses about money? I’ve heard it, too. In 2007, I wondered if there really were that many Bible verses about money and finances. You see this was of special interest to me as I had just started my career in financial planning. Being […]
Christians And Wealth: Do They Mix?
Today I’d like to tackle a difficult topic. Every Christian surely has struggled with thoughts about becoming rich: is it a godly thing to do? It’s not always easy to understand how God views wealth. However, the Bible does have a lot to say about the topic of money. So let’s start there, with the […]