Some people experience anxiety attacks so severe that they mirror a heart attack. Anxiety can be crippling. The Bible has many verses that can be helpful.
Middle Class Anxiety And Suggestions For Overcoming It
Visit Money Help For Christians to find out how to get a free copy of one of Craig’s recently completed eBooks. Middle Class Anxiety In his book A Millionaire’s Common Sense Approach to Wealth, Dexter Yager introduces a concept he calls ‘middle class anxiety’. Here is how Yager suggests you can diagnose someone with middle […]
Devotional: Bread for Today
Give us today our daily bread. – Matthew 6:11 One day the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. He then taught them what we now know as the Lord’s Prayer. Many who have grown up in church have heard the Lord’s Prayer so many times that it has lost its meaning. They […]