Our little baby boy Carter John Anderson was born yesterday evening at 8:33 pm, weighing in at 8 pounds even, 21 inches in length. It was a bit of a tough delivery, with the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and then getting his shoulder stuck on the way out, but in the end he came out and was just fine!
Baby and momma are resting and are doing well. This morning I changed my first dirty diaper (they’re not so bad yet), so I guess this father thing is real now!
Thanks for all the well wishes, and hopefully our little guy will sleep good so we can get some rest.
CONGRATULATIONS to momma and poppa!
Congratulations on your new angel, Carter. He is beautiful and I’m glad mom and baby are doing fine. Sounds like dad is doing just fine too. Soon, you’ll lose track of how many diapers you’ve changed. Blessings.
Congratulations Peter. With you as a father, this little guy is definitely going places.
Congrats! It is an experience that all couples should go through. Well, that is what I hear. Ours is only 16 months old, and his sibling won’t be born until Sept…
Congrats again! :)
And enjoy the diapers.. many to come.. oh, and for the nice meconium (sticky tar), remember that setting a wipe on it to soften it for awhile helps out. Something small that our first pediatrician taught us.. heh! ;)
congrats. A little boy that I am sure will never have debt. :)
Congratulations, Peter! Praise God that he is healthy and your wife is doing well!
Ahhh, seems just like yesterday. It feels like the most challenging three days of your life, sleeping (if you’re lucky) on that hospital floor, but it’s the memories I treasure most. Enjoy and soak them up.
Congratulations to you and your wife, and many blessings to your newly expanded family!
Woo hoo! YAY! Way to go! Enjoy the little guy :)
Congratulations! What a wonderful journey you have begun.
Wow. He looks so much like you. Congratulations, Pete!!!! So happy for you guys and for a healthy delivery.
Congratulations on such a big healthy boy!
Saweeet!!!!! Have you placed him in front of the computer yet to get started w/ blogging?! ;) Congrats man!!!
Yeah. He actually wrote this post. Not bad for a blogging newbie although I would have written a few more words. :)
Congratulations to you and Maria on Carter’s birth. I look forward to reading how parenthood influences/changes your life.
Congrats, Pete! What an awesome blessing!
I am so happy for you and your wife!
You sure seem to be more than ready for your new son!
Carter john is a very blessed little boy!
God’s Blessing to you, your wife and son!
Brad Haven
Congratulations! As the Psalmist reminds us, children are a blessing from God!
Congrats! That’s wonderful news
Congratulations to you and your wife Peter! Can we expect a Bible Baby Matters in the future? You’ll have plenty of subject matter for oh, about 25 years!
haha.. I’ll have to think about that one. Not sure i know enough about the topic though – i’d probably get laughed at!
Congratulations!! Parenthood is an incredible journey! Enjoy!!