Where Can I Find My Tax Forms?
By now you should have received all of your important tax reporting forms – your W-2, your 1099s, interest reporting forms and the like. The time for actually filing taxes is here, and if you’re filing your taxes by hand (I don’t do this anymore), the IRS has a wide variety of free tax forms and publications available to you – on a wide variety of topics. Getting your tax forms and publications should not be an issue as they are made widely available in just about any media that you want.
Five Ways to Obtain IRS Forms and Publications
If you need IRS forms, here are five easy and free ways to get the information you need. From the IRS:
- On the Internet: All IRS forms and publications are freely available on the IRS Web site at IRS.gov. Probably the easiest and most widely used way to get tax forms.
- By Phone: You can call 1-800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676) Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 10:00 pm local time – except Alaska and Hawaii which are Pacific time – to order current year forms, instructions and publications as well as prior year forms and instructions. You should receive your order within 10 days.
- In Your Community: During the tax filing season many libraries and post offices offer free tax forms to taxpayers. Some libraries also have copies of commonly requested publications. Many large grocery stores, copy centers and office supply stores have forms you can photocopy or print from a CD. Years ago I used to go to my post office to get my forms.
- By Mail Order: You can order your tax forms from the IRS National Distribution Center at 1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway, Bloomington, IL, 61705-6613. You should receive your products 10 days after receipt of your order.
- Taxpayer Assistance Centers: There are 401 TACs across the country where IRS offers face-to-face assistance to taxpayers, and where taxpayers can pick up many IRS forms and publications. Visit IRS.gov and go to Contact My Local Office on the Individuals page to find a list of TAC locations by state.
Additional Links From The IRS
- Publication 910, Guide to Free Tax Services (PDF 636K)
- Publication 2053A, Quick and Easy Access to IRS Tax Help and Forms (PDF 40K)
- Order Publication 1796, Federal Tax Products on CD-ROM, from NTIS — the National Technical Information Service.
- State tax forms
We’ve got a local IRS office that offers assistance and forms as well. I also know of a couple township trustees that offer assistance and forms for those who are underprivileged or unsure how to fill out their forms.
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Many college campuses provide free forms in their libraries and student centers.