You may recall a popular children’s television show several years ago that was called “The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.” The characters were unique in that they were average, ordinary people, but when they came together they would morph or transform into new form with special powers to fight off evil forces.
In the book The Life You’ve Always Wanted, the author discusses how morphin’, or transformation is often desired by people.
The desire for transformation lies deep in every human heart. This why people enter therapy, join health clubs, get into recovery groups, read self help books, attend motivational seminars and make New Year’s resolutions.
The Christian book points to a road of transformation for a much more spiritual life. As I’ve begun reading it for my men’s group at church, I’ve already found how it closely relates to the walk in the area of personal finance.
Perhaps you’re reading this post today because you’re ready to transform the way you’re managing money. I want to provide a short roadmap to help you transform, but also discuss some of the benefits of transformation.
What Does A Transformed Person Look Like?
But first, what does a transformed person look like? What does it look like when someone has decided that “it’s morphin’ time” and they’re ready to take steps in a new direction? I see this person as having the following characteristics:
- A willingness to make sacrifices. We’ve all heard Dave Ramsey say “living off rice and beans and beans and rice.” While there is some humor here, there is also some seriousness because you have to shake things up sometimes to initiate change. Perhaps the entertainment budget gets sliced and diced.
- A true hate for debt. I believe you really have to admit to how bad debt smells. Paying off debt and then accumulating more is the same as someone throwing a lasso around a runner, who is about to cross the finish line, and pulling him back behind everyone else.
- The person has an eagerness or hunger to learn more. I think we can all admit, even those who are professionals in the financial space, that we don’t know everything about personal finance. There are a number of components that require different sets of knowledge. But we can all learn the basics and we can all learn more about God’s plan for managing money.
- A passion or desire to run through brick walls to accomplish goals. I love this one. Have you ever had passion for something enough that you’re not going to let anything stop you? Sure you have. Even if there are certain factors beyond your control, you don’t let them set you back when they occur. You get back up and keep going.
The Benefits Of Transforming Your Financial Life
I can think of 3 important reasons to get serious about morphin’:
- You can have more time and money. It’s true. The further you go down the Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps, or the Crown Money Map, you’ll find you have more time and money. This equates to a point in life in which you can be more generous to help others. I believe it to be true financial freedom (adopted from Crown).
- A closer walk with God. When we’re managing money more wisely and following His principles, we’re simply in deeper fellowship with Him. God gave us over 2300 scriptures to show us how to manage money. If we can live by those principles, we’ll find things work a whole lot better.
- You can have stronger relationships. There is a reason why money is one of the leading causes of divorce. The answer is not having more, or becoming rich. The answer is managing it wisely. When it’s managed well and good communication is in place, things just tick a long much better.
- Accomplish goals and establish forward momentum. Ah, the beautiful words of “forward momentum.” Stagnation on the financial journey isn’t much fun. It’s boring and no one likes to plateau. But, transformation, or morphin’, equate to steps forward. Debt is history, savings provides a safety net and wealth grows. Doesn’t that sound nice?
How To Transform
Beyond establishing the above characteristics, I can think of a number of specific actions to transform. And I invite you to add to this list in the comments. But I think there are three actions that are easy, we can all do, yet are often sadly ignored.
- Establish a plan. Yes, that’s it. Establishing a plan is saying “its morphin’ time” and you go to work. A plan can include your monthly spending goals, or a 5 year plan for your finances. But in the plan, you’ll find freedom. With a plan you can help remove anxiety and uncertainty. I consider myself to be a pretty organized person. I’m self motivated and will work hard to accomplish goals. But I’m disorganized without a plan and find myself treading water if I don’t have specific steps to follow.
- Live by your plan. The next best thing you can do is to follow the plan. If you establish a monthly budget you must be serious about following it. I’m a believer in following the monthly plan, because without it, the 5 year plan doesn’t really get fed. What I mean is the steps you take each month help you accomplish the goals you’ve established in the next 5 years.
- Finally, we need to seek help. But, I’m doing okay you might say. Really? We can all have our eyes opened with a good review and establishing some accountability. Find a trusted source and open your books. Open your spending to them and show them how and where your money goes. Ask for an unbiased opinion. Can you do that? Dave Ramsey provides free counselors and so does Crown Financial Ministries. You may just find something in your discussion that helps make the right tweak to take a big step forward.
Are you ready? It’s morphin’ time!
How do you feel about this transforming approach to managing your money and receiving all the benefits I described?
I love “A passion or desire to run through brick walls to accomplish goals” it reminded me of the Bible verse:
With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.
Psalms 18:29
Excellent stewardship is part of His divine plan for our lives and He will give us the strength to achieve it.
Lakita, thanks for sharing the scripture. That is such a good one to keep with us.
Jason @ One Money Design´s last post ..How to File for the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit (Also For Repeat Buyers)
I really want to transform into a radical trust in God when it comes to finances (and everything else!). I say that I trust God to provide but then why do I worry so much about our finances? So I will keep practicing the third action you listed and keep asking God for help in taking responsibility and in trusting! Thanks for the reminder!
Karyn, you’re not the only one. It’s an easy thing to let ourselves worry about money and finances, especially when there are tough challenges to face. But I think the key, as you’re doing, is inviting God into this area of your life. We just have to make sure we’re doing our responsibilities too. :)
Jason @ One Money Design´s last post ..How to File for the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit (Also For Repeat Buyers)
I think ‘live by your plan’ is the key thing. It’s one thing to write a goal. It’s entirely different to live by it. Good post!
Amen Jason. This is spot on, and really defines how I got started on my financial road to recovery. Especially running through brick walls. BTW I’m afraid you’ll find that the Power Rangers are still going strong, my own kids went through that stage as recent as a year ago.
Paul @ FiscalGeek´s last post ..Why a Storage Unit is the Gateway Drug to Financial Ruin
Paul, I guess that just shows I’m out of touch with cool. I didn’t know the Power Rangers were still saving the planet. Yes, I think you have to have that “run through brick walls” attitude. Don’t let anything stop you!
What about the green ranger? He’s by far the sweetest one! Don’t ask me how I know that…