It’s a new year, and this week we all have a fresh start. Whether it’s time to get back on that workout regimen or time to kick-start a new financial plan – and a budget, it’s time for new beginnings.
At our household, we’re getting back into a regular workout plan, and healthy eating. Last night we used our last gift card to eat out at Olive Garden, and today we start eating healthy again. Those breadsticks were oh so good though! Tonight, I get back on that treadmill we’ve been using to hold our carpet down!
Finishing up 2008 with a bang!
December was another good month for Bible Money Matters. While our traffic was slightly down from November’s record month (because of the holidays?), we still enjoyed over 40,000 visitors and over 60,000 page views to the site. I’m happy with the progress we’ve been making, it’s encouraging, and keeps me posting!
- 44,004 visits
- 66,130 page views
- Over 700 RSS subscribers for the first time!
- Page Rank updated to PR5!
- In 2008 we had over 263k visits and almost 400k page views!
Thank you to all of you that made this past year so amazing for me, it’s been a wild ride so far, and so much more fun than I ever could have imagined! I look forward to an even better 2009!
Top 10 referrers of 2008
We launched this blog in 2008, and so many established bloggers out there have given us a helping hand along the way. Here’s a quick look at our top 10 referrers of 2008!
Thanks guys for all your help, I really appreciate it!
Top content for 2008
Some of our articles did better than others during the year. Here’s a quick peek at our top 10 articles (by page views) of the year.
- A Second Stimulus Check. Is It On The Way, And Is It Even A Good Idea?
- Are We Going To Get Another Stimulus Rebate Check?
- Why Not Create Your Own Stimulus Check?
- 5 Ways To Make Some Extra Money
- 50 Frugal Gifts You Can Give This Christmas
- 3 Weeks With
- Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University – Week By Week
- Obama Considers Stimulus Package For Early 2009
- Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University – Dumping Debt
- A Step By Step Guide To Making Money Using Cash Crate
There were tons of other articles getting links and page views, but those were our top 10. Seems like people want to get a stimulus check, and want to make extra money on the side!
Thanks, everyone for hanging out with us here in the past year, and God bless your 2009!
Congratulations on a fantastic year of blogging!
Mommy Crackeds last blog post..Just Like Me