As I’ve mentioned on here a few times the past few weeks – we’re going on a Mediterranean cruise for the next two weeks! We’ve been looking forward to this trip for quite a while now, and the time has finally come!
We’ve packed the bags, stopped the mail, gotten someone to watch the house, made a trip budget, saved up for souvenirs and renewed our passports. The preparations are about to end, and the trip is about to commence!
credit: Bob Jagendorf
Blog Posting will continue!
I know what you’re thinking, “What will we do while you’re gone? What blogs will we read?” (of course I’m kidding). Never fear! I’ve lined up a great bunch of posts from a plethora of great personal finance bloggers, friends and family, so this blog won’t go dormant while I’m gone. The blog will continue on with its normal posting schedule – Monday through Friday!
If you send me an email or post a comment while I’m gone, and it doesn’t get answered or posted to the site -please know that it isn’t because I’m ignoring you – I’m just at sea without access to an cheap internet connection. I’ll be back in a couple weeks and will respond as soon as I can.
So we’re off! Thanks to everyone who submitted posts, the quality of the writing on this blog may actually go up while I’m gone!
Have a wonderful trip. Bon voyage!