This is an article from Brad over at Read some more of his great posts at his site, or subscribe to his RSS feed.
It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.-Philippians 2:13
I once was an angry atheist—who surrounded myself with negative people that believed the same sort of things I did—pro-evolution, no god, no purpose, you just live and die, end of story. I would like to add that I wasn’t quite as angry towards Christians themselves, just what they believed. To be honest, I was lost and was missing something huge but I just didn’t know what that something was. Little did I know.
In 2002, I met my wife and we became really good friends. She was a Christian, and even though our views were so different, she saw something in me that I did not. I started working with her dad remodeling houses and it wasn’t long before we started talking about religion. I had accumulated a vast list of misconceptions about Christianity over the years that fed into my broken worldview. He probed as delicately and as patiently as he could until I finally started to open up, and we talked about them. His role was much more difficult than mine, as he had to set aside personal issues—after all I was by this time dating his daughter. One of my favorite parts to this story is that he accepted me anyway—a misconception that I had developed about Christians was immediately debunked at that moment, which left me confused.
So I was no longer antagonistic towards Christians, although I still didn’t buy into the whole Christian faith. Our conversations, while polite and positive in nature, led me to want to look into this a little closer. The only thing was that I decided to look into it with my sole purpose being to prove Christianity wrong. I started with the evolution and creation debate and I started to slowly realize I could be wrong. At the time that was a very life shattering realization, but it seemed as though it required more faith to believe in evolution and no god than it did to believe in Jesus Christ and Christianity. I pressed on.
I then became interested in philosophy to a point where I would read books by C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity, The Seeing Eye) and Ravi Zacharias (Among Other Gods, Cries of the Heart). These two people turned my world upside down, at least enough to encourage me to want to learn more. It was then that I found a book by Lee Strobel called The Case For Christ, that hit me like a ton of bricks. First of all this guy seemed a lot like me. He didn’t believe, was convinced evolution was fact, and had the same negative reactions to Christianity that I did. He actually decided to use his background in journalism to disprove Christianity. I must mention that it was his wife becoming a Christian in secret that led him down this path to prove to her—she was following a fairy tale.
I started to read that book and I was pulled right in. I read the book faster than any other book ever in my life. That book led me to The Case For A Creator, and The Case For Faith, and it was then at that point that I realized—I believed in God. This was a very emotional experience unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was as if God reached down and touched my heart like no one else could. The change was instantaneous, but you could say that I had been a work in progress. It was at that powerful moment that I believed that Jesus Christ had died for my sins. I called my father-in-law immediately.
In 2004 I joined my church and finally considered myself to be a Christian. What a huge shift in beliefs I had experienced. WOW! I could have never predicted it in a million years but am glad to this day that I decided to look into it for myself. I was baptized on December 10th of 2006 with my son, which was an emotional day for me as well. Just like Lee Strobel, my desire to disprove God led me to Him. How ironic.
Today I am very blessed with a beautiful wife, 2 kids, with another on the way. I have recently become debt free, by paying off 26,076.75 in 20 months. God has changed my life and given me purpose, which is to help others also become debt free. After all a debt free kingdom is a more charitable and giving kingdom. I am so passionate about this, and the truth be told, this passion really came out of nowhere. It was non-existent, and then all of a sudden it was bigger than words. My desire to help others manage their finances led me to introducing and leading Financial Peace University at my church, as well as starting my blog, Enemy of Debt. I am currently working to become a certified financial counselor as my vocation. Before I believed in God, it seemed as though I was always more concerned with myself. Now my life’s purpose is to serve Him by serving others. I have recently become a part of a new website called The Self Reliance Exchange where I hope to expand upon my ability to help others live debt free by helping them take responsibility for their finances, as well as their lives.
What an awesome testimonial. It nearly mirrors my own 18 years ago this Christmas eve. How important as Christians to remember those lives you touch are watching you. My girlfriend at that time’s parents probably weren’t so excited about this non-Christian guy dating their daughter, but they prayed for me every day. I don’t know who was more excited about me getting saved, myself or them.
As to the debt freedom, wished that idea would have come at the same time. Still working on my own, we’re hoping for February 2010 and we’ll have paid of $63,535.65. Congratulations to you, definitely subscribing to your site!
Paul @ FiscalGeek´s last post ..Quicken 2010 Personal Finance Software Review
Paul, I know exactly what you mean when you talk about your girlfriend’s parents not being excited. I felt the same way and quite honestly thought that I would be rejected. I was really surprised when my wife’s dad accepted me for who I was. To make this story even more exciting, at the time I had all kinds of metal in my face. LOL (pierced tongue, eyebrow, lip, and many in my ear.) I look back now and I wonder what made her dad look past all of that. It must have been hard for him. I do not know what was going on with me at that time other than I was pretty confused and that was the way I decided to act out.
Keep moving forward on knocking your debt out Paul and you will eventually reach your goal of debt freedom. I must say it feels especially good. I look forward to hearing you reach that goal. Please keep me posted. :D
Great testimony!! Praise God for that change! It’s so cool to hear stories like this of redepmtion and renewal.
@FiscalGeek – I didn’t realize you had a similar story too!
Keep up the great work guys!
Jason @ Redeeming Riches´s last post ..How to Protect Your Important Documents
Brad, what an accomplishment. Welcome to the Debt Free lifestyle. It’s going to be an awesome ride from here on out. My wife and I know how you feel and how Blessed it is to see the Lord move through finances.
Be blessed brother.
Awesome story, Brad! I have a really boring story (which is good, of course! lol), but I love to hear the interesting stories of how God brought other people to Himself.
Renewal is the perfect term because my life changed instantly. It was an amazing transformation. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I remember being overcome with raw emotions. It was a wonderful experience!
Brad´s last post ..Children And Money: Are You Helping Your Children Learn The Basics?
I don’t know how you can take Lee Strobel seriously. It’s like…
LEE: Roger, you’re an expert carpenter. In your expert opinion, is it possible that God exists and that a carpenter 2000 years ago was God incarnate, who died and rose again three days later for the sins of mankind?
ROGER: Lee, that’s not just possible, it’s almost certainly true.
LEE: Wow! I am convinced by your expert opinion, despite my intense scepticism and intellectual rigour.
On the other hand, congratulations on becoming debt-free – that’s fantastic.
@Brad – Although I can’t personally identify with your story as an atheist turned Christian, I applaud you for accepting and embracing your truth. What moves me the most about your story, is your father-in-law’s love and acceptance of you even while your views differed drastically from his own. It’s painful to watch Christians do the exact opposite of what Jesus did in the name of Jesus. I don’t understand it.
By the way, congratulations on becoming debt free!!!
Debt Free Hispanic – Thank you sir, it feels great to be debt free.
Ryan – I take Lee Strobel seriously because he presented another side of the story to me. I am not sure where you got what you quoted but Lee Strobel did a great job of helping me see that the misconceptions that I had concerning Christianity were simply false. For so long I rejected any faith based on my own understanding but my own understanding was not educated enough to truly determine the difference. Lee Strobel showed me why there was a case for Christ as well as a creator. I generally do not eat up 100% of what someone says, but instead take from it what I think will help me grow as a person and as a Christian. What Lee mostly did for me though was help me see the lies about evolution which is the real reason I rejected Christianity for so long. These days I listen to R.C Sproul the most but I can’t help but give Lee Strobel some credit for helping me see something for what it was. Lee Strobel helped in my journey to becoming a Christian and it would be wrong for me not to give him the credit he deserves. I am sorry you do not agree with him, but his story and his research helped me tremendously..
Kristen – haha you are too funny. Boring? I think not…I have found that even the most “boring” story about someone’s faith has lots of great insights embedded within.
Shawanda – I agree Shawanda. I was shocked myself, as I had witnessed many people in my life disown someone because they weren’t what they wanted them to be. If you look at all of the people that Christ surrounded himself with they were all lost and sinful. If Jesus had treated those people the way some Christians treat others then the impact Jesus Christ had on humanity might not have been as powerful. I often think of the transformation of Saul. He murdered Christians and could have been very easily deemed unworthy, but he wasn’t. Christ is LOVE!
Brad´s last post ..Children And Money: Are You Helping Your Children Learn The Basics?
i am happy that you finally found your place in this dark world. a debt free life is oh so pleasant
You? Piercings all over? Would have never guessed it my man, so interesting :) (reminds me of when I showed up to my future wides house with a Mohawk and nail polish – Love shines through, eh?)
Same with the rest of your story – I know how much love and passion you have but never realized where it came from! You’re an inspiration brother, keep spreading the good word.
kenyatykoon – Oh so true!
J Money – LOL J! Our in-laws saw past the exterior and accepted us even if they had their concerns. I’m glad they did! :D
Brad´s last post ..Children And Money: Are You Helping Your Children Learn The Basics?
What an awesome testimony!
Way to go Brad! You’ve got a wonderful story. Mine is the same, except that all my stereotypes about Christians came from actual experience. I grew up in a Christian family, and they were wonderful. But I saw so much that turned me off of Christianity in the churches and schools I attended that I just stopped believing.
Fortunately, God chased me down and brought me back to the faith. Life among fellow Christians isn’t all rosy, but life with God is. And God is always with his people.
Rob Moll´s last post ..Ave Maria Funds Outperform
O.A.E. – Thank you thank you! :D
Robb Moll – I too, saw too much hypocrisy from other Christians growing up, but what I didn’t realize was that all of us are hypocritical to some extent because we will never be able to fully live up to what we know we should. It’s why we needed Jesus. It seems that those that are not Christians seem to think that Christians should never mess up because they are Christians. That is something that I think too many people make the mistake of doing across the board. In fact even some Christians are guilty of those same expectations.
EVERYONE – Thank you all for taking the time to read my story. To be honest I have never really shared it out in the open like this, only with those close to me. One of the great things is that fellowship doesn;t have to stop with locals, it is something that can be shared across the globe. It’s why I felt so compelled to share it with all of you. Thank you Peter for allowing me to do so! God Bless!
Brad´s last post ..Children And Money: Are You Helping Your Children Learn The Basics?
Great testimony. I can relate with much it, especially my future wife’s Dad (a Christian) accepting me and loving me even when I was not a Christian myself. And this was while I was dating his daughter. Instead of shutting me out, he opened his arms and loved me. My stereotype preconception of Christians being exclusive and narrow minded was blown away.
Irvin is no longer with us and yet, years later, I still tear up just thinking about him.
Thanks for sharing!
Joe Plemon´s last post ..Seasons of Life
Joe Plemon – I hear ya Joe! My wife’s dad has been a tremendous father figure to me and helped me change how I thought about more than just Christianity. He stepped up and taught me how to be a man as I have never really had a father figure in my life.
We are naming our baby boy that will be born on Wednesday after him.
Thanks for sharing your experience as well. I would be willing to bet that there are lots of people out there struggling with the same misconceptions as we did. That’s why talking about our stories in a forum like this is needed.
Brad´s last post ..Children And Money: Are You Helping Your Children Learn The Basics?
Brad, I’m just reading this in January 2010 and I had no idea about your conversion story! I was also raised in a non-church-based family and baptized as an adult during my college years, when I became a Christian and part of the Catholic faith. And I also read the Case for Christ and was deeply moved by it.
I’m very glad we’ve become friends, and I really value your story!
Cool story Brad! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been to your site before!