I‘ve been blogging for well over a year now, and in that time I’ve built up a considerable archive of articles. In fact, I’ve now published over 660 articles on this site.
We’ve come a long way in the past year, going from a small blog that no one was reading, to the point where we now enjoy tens of thousands of readers every month.
I feel truly blessed to have been able to make a small contribution to the blogosphere, and I thank you all for sticking with us.
Today I thought we could take a look at some of our best articles from 1 year ago in June 2008. (hat tip to Simple Dollar for this idea)
One Year Ago On Bible Money Matters (June 2008)
- Financial Peace University Week By Week: It was just over a year ago that we started taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We were greatly impacted by the class, and you can read about our experience starting here.
- Save Like You’re Paying Off A High Interest Debt: This post uses an illustration from the Back To The Future movies, how could you not like it?
- Saving Money At The Movies This Summer: Finding things to do during the summer and staying within a budget can be tough. This post looked at ways you can be entertained at the movies without spending a ton of money.
- Sad News – Passing Of A Loving Grandmother: My grandmother passed away a year ago this month. We all miss her greatly, but we’re rejoicing that she’s now in heaven!
- Food Is A Big Expense. 20 Ways To Save On Food: One of the biggest expenditures in our budget is our food budget. Here are some ways we’ve found to cut down on how much we’re spending.
- 7 Questions That Can Change Your Life: I’m not sure that these questions changed my life, but looking back it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come from my answers then. 1 year ago this month I was getting my first Adsense check from this blog (Adsense has increased substantially since then), and we were still taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course (since then we’ve taught the class). In other areas discussed, I’ve still got a lot of work to do.
- Lies And Money: What Are You Keeping From Your Spouse?: This article talks about how important communication in marriage is, and how lies about money (or other things) can harm a marriage.
- Automated Tithing: A New Way To Give: This guest post talked about a new trend in churches, tithing via an automated tithing machine (ATM). Personally, I still prefer the discipline (and worship) of actually writing a check every week.
So those are a few of my better posts from last year at this time. I think a lot of the posts are quite good, and it’s challenging me when I read them to make sure I continue writing things up to those standards. Find other articles from the past year and a half in our Archive, or read some of my favorites on our Best Of Page. Some of the older posts don’t have many comments, so chime in with your thoughts now!
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I think it is really cool (maybe the wrong word) that your personal finance blog has forced you to remember your grandmother by just looking through your archives.
My Journeys last blog post..Finally Some Justice – Reverse Discrimination Takes a Hit (Ricci v. DeStefano)