A while back I did reviews of several online finance tracking softwares, including Mint.com and Buxfer.com and Geezeo.com.
At the time Geezeo was, in my opinion, obviously still a beta project, and had a bit of work to do before it was ready for prime time.
Today I got an email announcing a giveaway geezeo is holding in the coming weeks:
Enter The Great Geezeo Bailout!
An extra six thousand dollars could go a long way in your budget…Bailouts shouldn’t just be for big banks and the auto industry. That’s why we’ve decided to run “The Great Geezeo Bailout!”.
Earn an entry every day you use Geezeo between now and March 31st. You could win one of these or other great prizes…
* $1000 Trade Monster account
* $500 Lending Club account
* 12 months Identity Guard protection
* or the book “You’re So Money: Live Rich Even When You’re Not” by Geezeo Expert Farnoosh Torabi
So go sign up for the contest for your chance to win a prize! Good luck – I hope you win!
In the meantime I’m gonna give my account at Geezeo another chance and see what kind of strides they’ve made in the past few months. According to their email they’ve made the following improvements:
- New, more streamlined homepage with more useful information
- New budgets and cash flow calendars
- Easier account setup
We’ll see if it really is improved, and I’ll post a follow up to my original review here soon. stay tuned for that!
In case you’re interested, check out my reviews of these 3 online finance softwares:
I will recommend using DesktopBudget.com Its the best offline personal finance manager I have seen up till now.