Think you might have some unclaimed cash out there from a long lost relative?
Wonder if you may have forgotten to pick up a paycheck at that job at Starbucks 6 years ago?
Think you may have missed out on a life insurance policy from a relative?
Now you can find out if you’re owed money by checking it out
Types Of Unclaimed Property You Can Find
The types of unclaimed property that you can find varies, but some of the more common types include:
- Bank accounts and safe deposit box contents
- Stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and dividends
- Uncashed checks and wages
- Insurance policies, CD’s, trust funds
- Utility deposits, escrow accounts
My Unclaimed Property Search
For fun I decided to try my own unclaimed property search. I wasn’t expecting to find anything, but you never know do you?
Searching for unclaimed property and money is as easy as putting in your first and last name, and your state of residence (or states you have lived in, in the past).
When I put in my name and state, it came up with 33 records for people with my name. Unfortunately, none of them was me, and there’s no unclaimed property for me to find.
I also tried searching for names of people that I knew – friends, family and acquaintances. I actually ended up finding some unclaimed cash for one family friend.
He didn’t remember having the old account but was glad to know that the money was there to be claimed when I emailed him the details. That was fun – like being Santa Claus on Christmas!
Try Your Own Search
You may have better luck than I did searching for unclaimed cash for myself. Head on over and check out the search – it will only take a minute of your time, and may lead to more money in your bank account (after you prove you are who you say you are of course!)!
I am trying to locate property and money left to my by my grandfather and other family members. My funds are limited due to I am disabled. Can you help me search?
Cora, searching for the property via the website listed above is free, and should be as easy as typing in the person’s name in the state you expect the property to be located. Best of luck!