A couple of days ago I posted about how I was going to be joining the 100 Push-Up Challenge that so many other bloggers have embarked upon in the last week or so. On Monday I completed day 1 of the challenge, and so far so good! I haven’t buckled under the pressure… yet. I have to tell you – I am already pretty sore!
Over the past few days I’ve been putting together a list of some free online resources that helped me in losing weight last year, and I’m sure that can help you as well.
A caveat I should put here – I’m a firm believer that there is no big secret to weight loss. Any successful weight loss plan comes down to two simple steps:
- Eat healthier.
- Exercise more.
I know a lot of people who make excuses for their weight gain or inability to lose by saying things like, “I just have a different body type than you”, or “I never seem to lose when I work out”. My answer to those people is that you’re probably not doing something right. Either you’re still not eating healthy, or your exercise program is leaving something out. (not enough exercise, or not enough of the right kind of exercise).
A lot of those people just don’t have the patience to stick to a workout plan as long as it takes to see some real results. Sometimes it may take 30-60 days for you to notice any real progress, but trust me, if you stick to it you’ll lose weight!
With that said, on with the free weight loss resources!
Free Resources For Getting Fit
- 100 Push-Up Challenge: website that will get you on track to do 100 Push-Ups in 6 weeks, or your money back! (You don’t pay anything, don’t worry).
- Traineo.com: Traineo is a website where you can track your weight loss, hook up with other individuals to keep you motivated, track your workouts and a ton of other stuff. You can even get a cool little badge to put on your blog to show your pounds lost, or pounds to go until you reach your goal. Great site, I would check this out.
- Bodyforlife.com: Great motivational website with lots of stories of regular people changing their lives, losing weight and becoming fit. Tons of great healthy recipes, workout programs and more to get you going on a lifestyle of fitness. I used the Body For Life program to lose 40 lbs last year. You can get the book through my link below as well if you’re interested in the program.
- StrongLifts.com: The tagline for this website is, “Build Muscle & Lose Fat through Strength Training”. This website has a ton of practical weight-lifting exercises for regular people. Lifting weights is probably THE best weight to drop weight. When I started lifting with dumbbells at home, the weight dropped MUCH quicker.
- Eatright.org: The American Dietetic Association’s Web site will give good nutrition advice.
- Easy Ways to Lose Weight: 50+ Ideas: Quick and easy tips and pointers on how to lose weight.
User suggestions left in the comments:
- Gyminee.com: I just signed up, and it seems to be quite similar to traineo.com. Worth a look! (thanks L@spillingbuckets! )
- The Hacker’s Diet: I haven’t checked this one out too much yet, but it looks interesting. (thanks TUDrewser!)
- Sparkpeople.com: track your eating and exercise. Lots of articles about health, nutrition, and fitness. (thanks Eponine!)
- MyFitnessPal.com: Another great site that will help you to track your eating similar to a Weight Watchers program.
So there you have it, some great free resources for losing weight online. Keep in mind that losing weight is still going to be up to you, and you’ll need to have the discipline to get it done. Get cracking!
Don’t forget to check out my recommended weight loss and workout plan in the book “Body For Life“, and at their website discussed above.
It is always a struggle to get the weight off and then it takes a conscious effort to keep it off.
Being over weight is an emotionally draining and physically draining situation to be in and many times your struggle is reduced to ridicule and insensitivity.
The exhilaration you feel when you look back 5 months before you made a conscious effort and see positive results is truly gratifying and often creates wide smiles and happy tears.
Losing weight can be accomplish but motivation must come from the inside to change the outside.
You can and will do it, just never give up hope.
Only give up the pounds and the inches.
Fat Butt No More
Fat Butt No Mores last blog post..Over Weight Because Of Food Or Deceptive Food Labels
am bright and want to receive Jesus christ as my lord and personal saviour
With so many diets why are we so fat? There is some good information, but it is being overshadowed by a lot of junk. There is a reason why we are fat (fat factors). Most people don’t realize what they are doing to sabatoge their weight loss goals.
I am a 32 year old female and I am trying to get into the swing of things (working out again). I’ve had several people tell me that I should try a turbokick class. I admit that I’m not in the best of shape. And since I’m just starting out (again), would i be jumping the gun by starting out doing a full throttle turbokick class? Or should I buy a freestanding bag, and try it at home first and incorporate brisk walking??? I’m trying to do different things. Suggestions please….
I would get started by doing something, anything to jumpstart your fitness routine. brisk walking would be good for a start, and then working your way up to jogging and other good aerobic exercise. Some light weights, and other strength training would be good as well.
I think doing a turbokick class wouldn’t be out of the question, as long as the class is understanding of people at different levels, and you’re willing to push yourself.
Good luck!
Just recently, I found myself an assistant with the help of which I began to lose weight quite rapidly, and all this without strict diets and restrictions on delicious food. The mobile application https://proper-eating.com/ became this assistant – with it I eat a balanced diet and get enough food with a small amount of food, which in turn contributes to active weight loss.