Make Extra Money! Cash Crate Update
A while back I posted a couple of times about a site that I was using to make some extra money using a site called Cash Crate.
I did a full cash crate tutorial explaining how you can set up an account and get started on filling out surveys and offers to get cash rewards.
At the time I was just getting started with Cash Crate and was happy if I was making any money at all using it. Now, several months later, I’m happy to report that Cash Crate is one of my more reliable sources of income on this blog. Last month I made over $450 using Cash Crate!
- July 2008: $27.64
- August 2008: $82.69
- September 2008 $76.04
- October 2008 $114.53
- November 2008 $178.54
- December 2008 $92.08
- January 2009 $85.11
- February 2009 $454.15
- TOTAL: $1,110.78
How much you make is up to you, your ingenuity in referring other users, and the number of surveys and offers you can fill out. If you haven’t tried using it already, I suggest giving it a shot! I was skeptical, but it has done well for me.
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Earlier today I was tagged for a meme called “7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me“. I don’t participate in too many of these anymore, but this one sounded interesting so I thought I may as well! So here we go:
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
- I love going places by myself: I love traveling by myself on short weekend or day trips. I once went to Florida on a business, but stayed an extra 2 days so that I could go to Disney World all by myself! I had a blast. I also love to go camping by myself, or other activities where I can get some solitude. Yes, I am a bit of an introvert.
- I play violin: I started taking violin lessons at the age of 3, and continued taking lessons for 11 years. I stopped taking lessons at 14, but still enjoy playing. I haven’t played for a few years, however, because my violin is broken, and I haven’t had the extra money to get a new one (and they’re expensive).
- I love mountain biking: Spring is around the corner, and I’m excited because I love to mountain bike! We have some great trails that run along the Minnesota River near my house, so I’m looking forward to heading out and hitting the trails!
- I once had the tip of my pinkie cut off: When I was very young my foster sister slammed the bathroom door on me and my pinkie got slammed in the door, and lopped off – hanging by a piece of skin (gruesome, I know). They reattached it, and I now have a funny-looking pinkie on my left hand.
- As a child I was obsessed with the Brady Bunch: When I was little I loved the show “The Brady Bunch”. My cousins and my brothers even did a take-off series of our own on audio tape called “The Bratwurst Bunch” which had about 20 episodes. They shall never again see the light of day :).
- My favorite food is pannekoeken: Pannekoeken is a Dutch pancake of sorts – although it is made with raised sides, and usually, we would put powdered sugar and lemon juice on it. Delicious!
- I’m 100% Swedish: Although I’m 100% American, my heritage is 100% Swedish. Both my parents families originated in Sweden so my brothers and I have kind of a running joke that we were supposed to only marry someone who was 100% Swedish as well. Well my brother and I have both broken that chain, it’s up to my little brother to carry on the 100% legacy!
So there you go, 7 things you may not have known about me!
Just for fun, tell me one or two things in the comments about YOU that I might not know. Make it interesting!
Dude, your pinkie?!? Whoa. Was this on the fretting hand or the bow hand? Ouch.
Thanks for the mention (and the visuals for the rest of the day)!
FFBs last blog post..Should The Government Use The Stimulus To Bailout Madoff Ponzi Victims?
yeah, that was the pinkie on my fretting hand. so sometimes i actually do have a little trouble being nimble with that finger – but only a little. It was only the very tip of the finger. :)
My younger brother doesn’t play the violin, but owns two of them. They were on sale very cheap, because the lining of the case was the wrong color. I know; we couldn’t believe he actually bought them with such a serious flaw. (My brother finds deals on the oddest things and is an impulsive buyer. He’s getting better about it.)
My point was…you never know when a great deal on a violin might come along.
Thanks for sharing about Cash Crate. At first I really thought it was a scam.But reading this, I think I got it wrong.
Thanks for mentioning the giveaway on my site, Pete! :)
I’m totally with you on loving to do things by yourself. My husband thinks it’s really weird but I enjoy going out to dinner, shopping, and movies all by myself. Going to an amusement park can be fun as well because they’re always calling for single riders so you get to skip a bunch of the lines. I am introverted as well, and although I enjoy people most of the time, it’s nice to have time to just reflect. I also feel kind of mysterious which is fun.
How did I miss this earlier? I love pannekoeken and going places by myself as well. And thanks for the info on Cash Crate.
Hi Peter, Thanks for stopping by my site. I appreciate your great site and love to share it with my readers as well as my family. It’s an excellent resource.
Thanks, too, for the info about Cash Crate. I’ll definitely pass that on to my kids :)
A fact about me? I have read almost all the original series Star Trek books, not to mention a ton of the Next Generation. And loved them all. I’m not a total Trekkie, but close :) Can’t wait to see if any of my 9 grandkids get interested in Star Trek :)
Kayes last blog post..25 Ideas For Rainy Day Fun With Grandkids