The devotional below was written the day the 9/11 tragedy occurred. -Jason
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. – Psalm 20:7
Where do you place your trust? Many people rely on things that seem strong, but in the end will fail them. Many Americans trusted in the security of this nation, thinking that this great country was an impenetrable fortress. When terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we learned that our nation is not as impenetrable as we thought. All our security could not protect the lives of thousands of people that were lost in this tragedy. And all the money in the world will not heal the pain.
Buildings that were over 1,300 feet tall are now a pile of ruins. Children go to sleep tonight without parents. Strong men weep for wives that will never come home. A nation grieves and the world grieves with it.
Although sports stadiums were empty after the tragedy, churches were filled with people on their knees. Why do so many people turn to God when tragedy strikes? I believe most people know that God is the one we can truly trust. When all around us is collapsing, God still stands strong. When all have forsaken us, God stands by our side. When people spew hate, God shows love.
Trusting in God gives hope to the hopeless. In a world where little makes sense, God provides answers to our deepest questions if we look to Him. He can comfort us when all other comforters fail.
Christians pray to God in the midst of tragedy because they know He hears. He bears our grief. He shoulders our pain. He soothes our souls. He is strong when we are weak. He gives peace to the troubled and rest to the weary.
May this nation realize that only God can provide true security. Let us pray that we “trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
Jason–What a timely reminder, and a perfect verse.
After 9/11 the churches we’re filled, but it lasted only a few weeks. It’s amazing how as soon as we go back to “normal” God is put back into the genie bottle until the next event that shatters our peace comes upon us.
I find that life in times of crisis is much better when God is a part of my world even when there is no crisis.
Kevin@OutOfYourRut´s last blog ..You have the ability and talent to make your dreams come true
Just prior to; I mean days, I was in the darkest place. I kept saying to myself, it’s so dark, Erie dark. I felt like a speck in this vastness of darkness I was experiencing. I was all alone, nothing. I started to call out to God for it felt like death. That I was in Hell. No noises just darkness. I crumbled up into a fetal position and began to say, “Please don’t leave me” over and over again and alas God’s voice said, “I will not leave you my child”
And then I was awoken by gasping for air, coming out of a drug induced OD and to find my partner on top of me trying to have sex with my body! I was horrified but became very physically strong all of the sudden.
Thank you for the reminder as today I need to remember this strength and Love that God gave me in the face of Tragedy then and today. Blessings & Light for Jason ?