But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. –
1 Chronicles 29:14
King David had made many preparations so his son Solomon could build the temple. This included gathering gold, silver, and precious jewels. David willingly offered much of his own gold and silver. The rulers and the people also gave freely.
Imagine if a man donated twenty-five million dollars to a college. This would make headlines. The school would highly praise him, and probably pledge to name one of their new buildings after him.
Yet David praised only God. He didn’t focus on himself or the people who donated their wealth for the temple. He focused on God alone.
All things are from God. He is the author of our willingness to give. God worked in us “to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).
David realized God already owned everything they had given.
God also owns us. He asks us to return everything to Him. Our lives. Our dreams. Our families. Our money. Our time.
God wants it all.
Yet sometimes we are unwilling to give Him everything. We want to hold on to something.
Others say they will give everything to God later, in the future.
God wants it all. Now.
Why is it so hard to give everything to God when we know He owns it all anyway? Everything we have is loaned to us from God. We are debtors.
Don’t hold anything back from God. Give everything you have, and everything you are, to Him.
I really appreciated this reminder. Thanks.