God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. – Acts 17:27
The children scramble in different directions as the child designated as the seeker keeps his eyes closed. One child hides under a coffee table. Another child conceals himself in the hall closet. A third child quietly stands right behind the seeker in a not so obvious hiding place.
The seeker counts to ten and opens his eyes to find his hidden friends. He quickly finds the child under the coffee table and the one in the closet, but never finds the third child who has been stealthily following right behind him.
Thankfully, seekers after God do not need to play a game of “hide and seek.” God does not hide Himself from us. We may think He is far away, but God is nearer than we think.
Open the Bible and find God speaking to you. Cry out to Him and find Him listening to your prayers. Groan in agony and find His shoulder to rest your weary head. Look into the black sky and find the stars He created. Find the moon God made to give you light. Dip your feet into a quiet stream and find the water God gives to quench your thirst. Breathe deep and find the beautiful fragrances of the flowers He gave for you to enjoy. Listen to the chirping of the sparrows and find God blessing the morning. Run your fingers through the softness of a baby’s hair and find God raising up another child to glorify Him.
If we truly seek after God, we will find Him. He is not so far away.
Jame 4:8 “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
Thanks for the post!!
Indeed, the biblical pattern of hide-and-seek is that God finds us before we seek Him. He initiates. See the stories of Adam & Eve and of Zaccaeus (sp!) for examples.