As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. – James 5:11
As my brother and I drove home from a Christian coffee house, we had a discussion about the need for patience. I joked that I often pray, “Lord, give me patience and give it to me now.”
At that moment I looked out the van window and saw a temporary traffic sign that said, “Expect Delays.”
photo credit: bogenfreund
As travelers on this earth, we can expect delays. Few things happen according to our time schedule. A delay can be as simple as waiting for a doctor in a waiting room or as difficult as waiting for an open door to full-time ministry.
Waiting is not new to the human race. The patriarch Abraham waited years before he received the promise of his son Isaac. Moses spent forty years in the wilderness before he led the Israelites out of Egypt. And the Jewish people waited hundreds of years for the promised Messiah.
Since we don’t know God’s timeline, waiting can be frustrating. We might even be tempted to give up, thinking our desire or goal will never happen. I know that there are some dreams I have had for several years that have still not been fulfilled. What makes the wait more frustrating is that I know God planted some of these desires in my heart and yet I still haven’t seen their fulfillment.
I’m beginning to learn that God’s timing is always best. I know that if He would have fulfilled some of my desires years ago, I would have not been mature enough to handle them at that time. God knows what I need and when I need it.
Expect delays. But also expect amazing things from God when the wait is over.
Amazing! I was just trying to explain this to my daughter yesterday! She is an amazing classical pianist and every year she puts herself out there playing in some of the most stressful competitions and at 15 she has yet to win one.
Well, yesterday, was no different. She played amazingly and the place was so quiet and people around had their eyes closed and were so into her two pieces. When she was finished, she was glowing…she had done another amazing job, but when it came time to announce the winners, she took 3rd place (as usual)… I could see the tears in her eyes and she looked at me as to say; “again?” When she came down from the stage, she said to me “Mom, will I ever win?”
As we were leaving; a gentleman and his wife; stopped us. He was really upset…He looked at my daughter and said “I have been in music for 20 yrs and never..never have I heard playing such as yours…my wife and I felt as though we should have bought tickets to hear you play. You made the hair on the back of my neck – stand straight up! It was thrilling to hear a musician; instead of a competitor. Thank you for touching our lives today.” And they left!
It made her day, and I tried to tell her that it wasn’t about winning; and that God has plans for her; and to be patience (I know its hard ), but I believe God has a great plan for her.
It like someone told me:
Half the fun in life is finding God’s plan for yourself; and the other half of the fun in life – Is getting to do it!!
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a Christian coffee house?
MyJourneys last blog post..The More You Know About Investing, The Less You Know About Investing
A Christian coffee house is a place that has live Christian music and serves coffee.