Have you ever felt like your tithe money isn’t being put to good use after it is put in the offering bucket each week?
Or maybe you are low on funds and there is a meaningful cause that you want to contribute to but can’t afford both the tithe AND to contribute to the cause.
Is it such an unthinkable act to pay your tithe elsewhere?
While you may not be willing to admit it, isn’t it possible that it could be put to better use in a meaningful cause? I hate to say it, but wouldn’t God want you to give your first 10% to the most meaningful cause sometimes?
Why I Think It’s Okay to “Tithe” Outside the Church
You may think that I am a heathen for suggesting such a blasphemous thing, but I believe it is perfectly justified to contribute your tithe towards other causes besides your local church.
Most people take a tradition from the Old Testament to support the rigid idea that tithing has to be performed in a set manner. It’s a particular percentage and it has to be given to the church. Yet, this ideal often fails to take into account the messiness of life.
I have been in seminary for some time now. It’s no secret that graduate students do not make a lot of money and are often just scraping by on the part-time jobs they have.
It was just a few months ago that a good friend of mine was trying to raise money to go to Africa. She was not going to be able to go without some extra money. Because my funds were limited already, I knew I couldn’t afford to help her AND also pay a percentage of my income to my church. I strongly believed that she was supposed to go to Africa and so I decided to give the money that I would normally tithe to her.
If you ask me, there is something in this personal story that helps challenge the normal understanding of tithing. After all, it’s not like I was hoarding it away for myself, like putting money into my retirement fund.
More importantly, I don’t think that paying your tithe is about following a strict rule.
While most would not be willing to admit this, I have difficulty believing in a God who wants us to abide by such rigid standards when it is too financially difficult to do so. I especially believe this when other meaningful services need financial support.
When I think of why God would want us to tithe, the most important reason, to me, seems to be to remind us that our money should not be hoarded for selfish reasons, but instead put to good causes.
I’m not suggesting to completely get rid of tithing altogether but to suggest that perhaps there are times in our lives when it is okay to give your tithe elsewhere.
Creative Ways to Tithe
If you are also wondering about other ways to pay your tithe, here are some that I have found are meaningful replacements:
Sponsoring a Child: There are many sponsorship programs that all have similar features. Regardless of the program, I can think of fewer ways that are easier to impact a life than paying as little as $22 per month. For this small amount, a poor child gets a more comfortable living environment and a better education that helps them out of systemic poverty.
Funding a Mission Trip: Similar to my experience, many people hope to travel to make a meaningful impact and lack funding. Contributing to something like this not only has an obvious impact (they can travel), but often are changed for life.
Food Pantry: Regardless of where you live, there is most likely a need for food to be given to homeless and lower-income individuals and families. Being in that position causes enough stress; having to worry about where your next meal is even worse. If you can contribute towards such a cause, I don’t see God holding it against you.
Do you think it’s okay to find meaningful replacements for your tithe? What creative ways have you used to tithe?
This was an article by Wayne at Young Family Finance.
Thanks Wayne. Yes, I don’t think the church is the only place to tithe either. There are tons of ways to be creative with the money God has given us.. and I don’t think we need to make it public either. One fun way thing we’ve done in the past is to ask a church secretary if they knew of anyone in the community or at the church who was really hurting and then hand over a gift card or money to the secretary to pass on to that person. This way it’s anonymous giving – which the bible praises.
That’s a great idea Aaron. Thanks for sharing!
If a person gives professional grade services of their time… ex a musician that plays on the worship team, and it is not customary for the church to pay musicians, can that be counted toward the tithe? The last thing I want to do is withhold what is rightfully God’s but from a business person perspective doing something that takes time from family, or pursuing another professional thing for something where I conduct myself professionally but don’t get paid…can that giving of time be counted toward the tithe? I just want to do the right thing for God, the church and my family.
I agree that the principle of generosity doesn’t require 10% to your church and that it’s acceptable to give elsewhere even if that means giving less to your church. However, I think that if one does not trust his church to use the offering well it’s time to get involved to change that or find a trustworthy church to attend and invest in.
Hmm… I guess I never thought about it that way. For me, it isn’t a matter of distrust as much as feeling like it makes a bigger difference if I am giving directly to others. With that said, there is something to say for giving as part of a larger community. More people can make a bigger difference than just one person.
I agree it is good to help where your heart leads you. I do try to do both Church and other places my heart takes me.
I also feel that and hope the church you chose to call home is using your tithes in the right places so you’d feel confident in giving. Picnics and bible studies and speakers and missions and outreaches and electric and air conditioning (especially in Florida) just doesn’t pay for itself.
Churches grow and benefit when their congregation gives.
“Church”-Church definition. A group of Christians (see also Christian); church is a biblical word for “assembly.”
What your talking about is not tithing in the end.
I totally agree with the importance of being charitable outside of tithing, but I dont think that you should do it instead of tithing. It is a hard line to look at and I know a lot of people will disagree with me on it, but I think you need to give 10% to the church first, then go and give additional in other places to help.
Thanks for sharing KC. I certainly understand where you are coming from and why you think that as I used to think the same thing. It certainly isn’t a bad thing if you can give 10% to the church and then some elsewhere.
I’ve heard both sides of this debate and understand both. For years I’ve said that we need to trust the leadership of the church to determine and hear from God as to where the tithes are to be spent, but recently my wife and I understood also that the church isn’t in the battlefields of life nor is it possible for them to be everywhere where there is a need. We’ve been blessed and felt it ok to put aside our tithe (doesn’t even have to be 10%) privately and give what we felt led to the church, then give to others personally, or organizationally that we felt led as well.
I hear your concern; but, we need to remember that a church isn’t four walls and a roof. WE are the church, WE are to spread God’s love outside of those four walls. If we can help someone out and glorify God’s name, we are tithing and we are BEING the church.
Amen Justin. I have always believed exactly what you are saying.
That’s my belief as well!
Agreed! How can a church do well and what they need to do if they aren’t receiving what they need from their “Church”-Church definition. A group of Christians (see also Christian); church is a biblical word for “assembly.”
Sounds like you are stating YOUR OPINION. Follow your heart, that is what GOD looks into. Its the intent. Why not just ask HIM. BTW sounds like alot of hot air coming from psycho money name.
I love this post. I completely agree that the tithe can be outside the church. My wife and I have pray about it, and have determined that for us, half of our tithe goes to the church and half goes to Christian causes. This can be Christian missionaries, Christian support programs, Medical missions (as long as they are Christian centered). We don’t give to local food banks with out tithes, because they are not furthering God’s work in this world.
Thanks Kyle. I am happy to hear you are thinking of where your money should go to be apart of something special and that it isn’t limited in where you can give it.
Um. WHAT. Feeding the poor is most definitely God’s work. Yikes.
I think tithing should come first and other charitable contributions should come second. It’s about remembering your dependence on God, rather than picking and choosing.
I thought this was an excellent post.
We tithe on my husband’s paycheck to our church exclusively. But when there is ‘extra’ money – such as tax refunds, etc. – that tithe amount we will sometimes choose to support other Christ-focused organizations, such as Mercy House Kenya or Compassion International and even our local Rescue Mission that is solely a Gospel preaching mission and takes no state/federal funds. I love that God allows us to be part of other ‘hands & feet’ organizations to further His Kingdom.
Blessings on the journey~
The heart of what this article is getting to is great: thinking through where the money ends up and considering how it could make the most impact. Like Emily said, it is a thought that may lead some church leaders to reassign church funds.
I also tend to agree with Kyle though in recognizing that Christians may be drawn into many great causes such as a food bank that don’t share the gospel. These are great causes that show the effects of God’s grace on us to the world, but I don’t think they should come out of the tithe which should be reserved for God’s kingdom work. As a seminary student, I’m sure you’re familiar with the discussion/debate on what the scope of “furthering God’s kingdom” actually is. Maybe this question leads us to further prayerfully reflect on that question along with what is the mission of the church. Do you have a resource on this question? Thanks for your thoughts and reflections.
I agree with Emily, and others, that giving charitably should not replace what you give to your church. I don’t see the New Testament calling us to a strict standard of giving 10% to your church. And that’s a good thing, because for some folks that will be too much (single moms, college students, etc.), and for some folks of greater means that amount will not really be generous or sacrificial. We are called to prayerfully consider what amount God is individually calling us to give, whether more than 10% or less than 10%.
I’ve seen a lot of people use these types of excuses (that they are not required to tithe exclusively to their local church) just to give less overall. I certainly wouldn’t accuse Wayne of this, as this does not seem to be his heart or approach. But it’s obviously a pervasive problem that Christians give too little than too much. And I’ve heard these types of excuses before, as a reason to give little or nothing to the local church. I think I heard a statistic about evangelicals giving a little over 2% of their income on average? Don’t quote me on it, but if that statistic is even close to accurate, then I think we can all agree that that’s pretty pathetic.
If you can’t trust the leadership in your local church to handle the money that God has entrusted to you, then you shouldn’t trust them with your soul (and the souls of your family) and you should move on to another church. Depending on the situation, the particular church leadership might be the problem, or the problem might be you.
Appreciated your comments. I agree with you totally. I am on the Finance Committee and Board of my church and try to bring to the table how the church can be a good stewart of the tithes received. Sometimes I don’t agree where some of the money goes and I question and comment. Funds are needed to keep the local church going but sometimes we have to watch dept. heads and make sure they realize this money is a sacrifice from the people and we are accountable for it. As for supporting other organizations, I truly believe we need to help the less fortunate. Sometimes we need to give up a little something and make a sacrifice to have the extra. If we trust God and really desire to give and help, I believe He will provide the way.
I agree with it not having to be strictly 10%. It is hard to imagine that God would curse a person’s finances when if they tithe they don’t have the means to buy groceries. Also if a person has abundant wealth they can certainly afford to give more than 10%. This isn’t a matter of generosity so much but a matter of taking care of household finances wisely. Of course it certainly requires more faith to give the full 10% when one can’t really afford it, and I have seen God do miracles in order to provide when a person acts out in faith in that situation. It all really boils down to recognizing who is ultimately responsible for the fact we have any kind of finances to deal with and that of course is God.
We shouldn’t tithe in a legalistic way, but our motive has to be love, and a concern to see God’s purposes established through our giving.
Even as 1 Corinthians 13 says, we can give all we’ve got, but it would still amount to nothing, if the motive for giving is not love. The same principle applies to the tithe. If God has our hearts we’ll give all we’ve got when he leads us to give not just the 10%.
In the Old Testament, we read that the tithe didn’t just go to the Levites, it also went to support the orphans, widows and strangers, this principle still applies today.
We should give to our church family, so that the house of God, and its ministers will not suffer lack; and our churches should give to the projects outside the church through the giving that goes on.
However, we also have to remember that even though we have a corporate responsibility to give, which we do through our churches, we also have Christ living in us, and his spirit urging us on to live the Christ like life… to be a blessing to our world… so we also give on an individual basis.
God has made it so that our money follows our hearts. If you are not giving to your church then you heart is not in it. If you do not feel comfortable giving to your church, follow your heart, and find a church where you really fell you could support their vision and mission.
Finally I would like to address the issue of saving up for the future. I believe it is prudent to do this. It is diligent to invest in assets now, that would help fund the Gospel and the seasons of life when we are less able to work. The bible tells us about the Ant, and urges us to learn from it. It prepares in the summer of the winter. This too is the wisdom of God.
I am 110% in support of supporting child sponsorship, missionaries, food pantries. For those looking for information on this, Google Compassion International, Mission to the World, OneVerse, and Gospel for Asia. These are some great organizations to support.
This being said, I would have to disagree with you about the nature of the tithe. The tithe was originally instituted for the point of supporting the Levite. All the tribes of Israel were given an inheritance in the land except for the Levites who were fully dedicated to temple service. With no land you can have no crops, no vineyards, no flocks, no herds, and no trade. This means that you have no means to sustain your own life appart from the gifts of others. The Levites were to have God as their inheritance and live from the gifts of God given through his people.
Jesus did affirm the legitimacy of the tithe in Matthew 23. Though he rebukes the Pharisees for extreme precision in law-keeping (specifically tithing) while neglecting the weightier matters (justice, mercy, faithfulness) he does say, “These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.”
Of course, here Jesus is affirming the legitimacy of the Pharisee, a Jew, keeping this law. As non-Jews who have no Levite to support, I don’t think there is a technical requirement for us to tithe.
However, there is an obvious parallel to the church life. You have vocational ministers who have often spend years and 10,000s of dollar to be trained, often at a grad school level, for ministry, abandoning the much more profitable industries that they could have directed their studies and efforts towards in order to serve you. Although the Apostle Paul took no advantage of it, he makes it clear that “the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9:14).
These vocational ministers are not unlike the Levite, and thus it makes sense that 10% remains a good figure. It means that for every 10 tithing families, you can support 1 vocational minister at a salary that matches the average tither. This may be a bit low, because in most congregations the average doesn’t have a graduate degree and the loans associated with it. However, since a more realistic figure would be that there are maybe 50-100 congregants per minister there should be some surplus which can be budgeted elsewhere for ministry purposes whether supplies, facility costs, or outward missions and strategic ministry opportunities.
So it makes sense to me for your tithe to go directly to your church, and to give above and beyond to additional ministries that you support. If you think that your church is untrustworthy with money, directing your tithe to outside organizations will not be the answer you need.
If you cannot trust your church with money, you need to have a meeting with your pastor and let the concerns be known, and perhaps their expenditures will make much more sense coming from the horse’s mouth. If they are still untrustworthy, find a few others in your church who agree with you, pray that you will be humble and not intentionally divisive, and bring those into a private meeting with the leadership. If they still refuse to repent of their sins with money, you need to find a different church. If you are a member, you should renounce your membership and be transparent about your reasons for doing so. Jesus said that you cannot serve God and money, and therefore if your ministers are serving money and refuse to change, you can be certain that there is no worship going on and it is time to leave.
Thank you for the blog and I appreciate the attention you gave to tithing and noble causes for financial gifts. I am thankful for your efforts as a seminarian and hope that you will be a huge blessing to the church or organization where God sends you. Thank you for serving us in this financial blog as well.
Hi, Ben:
I agree with your comments, and l agree we should contribute to the Lords work, but we need to let the Holy Spirit guide us and be discerning in who we e give our money to. I belong to a small church, and its a poor community, so l see that there’s limited funding coming into the church and the pastor lives a humble life- as it should be- for Jesus lived a humble life. For those Christians who support the lavish homes, cars, trips, and livestyles of these so-called “Pastors”, beware! Consider giving to the poor, the widows, the homeless, the neglected children, the elderly who barely make ends meet with their social security, etc. Consider the following: we can do this this also evangelize while we do so… Then we are indeed doing God’s work, for which giving was meant for. God doesn’t need our money-He owns everything!!! Tithing was instituted for the people of Israel-Gods people. It was part of the Mosaic laws given to them. Isn’t it true that if we are to live by the law, then we need to live by ALL the laws? Through Jesus, we’re to live by GRACE, Not by the Mosaic laws!! I don’t tithe- but l support giving to my church, because it’s necessary for God’s work, but we need to open our eyes to what’s happening in some of these churches with tithing/gifts. I struggle enough with money, l shouldn’t have to support a pastors expensive home, cars, life!
Maria I thank you for your blessed comment! I say Amen. Thank you Jesus for filling your, Maria with your comment??!
I’m blessed to work for a good company that will match charitable contributions (but not to churches), and I attend a church that gives a large amount to various charitable organizations each year. I often find it to be more financially responsible to give directly to the same organizations my church supports in order to double the amount they receive.
I understand your thinking behind this, but you give your tithe to someone else not the local church and then you go to church on Sunday and enjoy the worship – that someone else paid for the electricity, the lights, the projector, the stage. You get ministered to by the preaching – that someone else paid for the pastor so he can study. When you are going through a tough time – you received the pastoral care and follow up – that someone else paid for.
So basically you are a free loader on the local church using the resources that someone else paid for.
And that’s just sad really..
Don’t forget prisoners.
I completely agree! Are we not doing God’s work when we give and give joyfully? If we took everything in the old testament and tried to apply it to life today in a litteral sense it would be very difficult. Our society has changed over time….did they have charities at the time the old testament was written or was it the churches responsibility to feed the poor? Also at the time the churches were in much need bit the Vatican seems to be doing very well these days. I tithe by giving to a churches food bank. I enjoy the process o purchasing good food that will be going to a family in need. I pray to Jesus that this is acceptable and I’m not offending the Lord. Since I have struggled with this issue, I have been blessed and shown mercy in different areas in my life. I can only conclude these blessings are an in response to my inner struggles and prayers.
Wayne i agree with the idea of tithing outside of church, but with a bit of hesitation but more importantly dicernment.
However i disagree with the purpose you gave of tithing being about generosity (and maybe i misunderstood you?) I believe the sole purpose of tithing is to DEMONSTRATE before God (not man) that you trust him first (especially with the finances he provided)
May God be with you i have peace now
No I do not think it’s okay to find meaningful replacements for tithes. It is my understanding that it’s what God requires us to give along with our offering. It should go to your church. If He doesn’t give us permission to find a replacement for His money then I feel we have no right to choose to do what we want, even if it is a meaningful replacement, with money God requires us to give to the church. Instead take a portion of the ninety percent you have left and give it for a meaningful cause. God will bless you for that sacrifice, indeed. He decides what to do with His money, you decide what to do with yours. The house of the Lord has expenses that need to be met. The less fortunate need to be ministered to. Why not trust your church to meet those needs with your monetary giving of tithes and offering? Give cheerfully from the ninety percent you have left. Make sure God’s house is taken care of on your part before you try to take care of someone else’s house with His money. That’s my take.
What do you think about using part of your tithe towards your own mission trip?
Thank you very much for sharing this great information! I worked at a multi-site church and I am not happy with the way they spend their money in their corporate offices. I love the campus I attend, so I will continue attending until I move and find a new church home. I felt this pressing on my heart that I should be sharing my 10% elsewhere, but I wasn’t sure if it was the enemy or God telling me that. I will be looking into ministries that are making an impact now. I know that this blog post was probably scary to publish, so I commend you!
Thanks for your views about tithing. But , it may interest you that from biblical perspective all you have listed are not tithing. Support a ministry is seeding, assisting a fellow for the ministry work is help, giving to the needy is sacrifice. Sir your tithe have to come to the altar that service you. The altar you serve is the altar that service you. Thanks, more grace
I’m glad that I read this article as I think it has been placed on my heart to find an answer to this question.
I have always wanted to go on a mission trip, yet I am fresh out of university and have student loans to repay. While I do have a good job now, there’s no way I can afford all my bills, pay my student loans, and save for a mission trip. I do give 10% to tithes, but I have been wondering whether to give 1/2 to my local church (as they do support the community) and save 1/2 for a mission trip. I see various answers to the question on the internet, but it is still strong in my heart to do this. I find that when I give my tithes to church they do the work with it and I don’t really think about it. If I were to go on a mission trip, not only would I be giving to God financially, but I would also be giving with my time, my skills and my heart.
Thank you!
This was a beautiful share & the comments are all in line with what I’ve been thinking myself. I’ve never had money to tithe, not to anyone so before I would donate anything I wasn’t using, which in my place was always a lot since I’m home bound & mainly bed bound, living in one room. SO much stuff I don’t need anymore, I don’t do anything. I have moved countless times & just kept giving things away every time I moved. Then I finally got baptized!!! :) Things started turning around (ok, not for my physical health) but my soul & heart were very fulfilled & every time I thought I wasn’t going to be able to eat the next day someone/something popped up where I was able. When I thought I wasn’t going to have money to pay bills, within the next day or two I was…I’m still living in bed, just me & my bird but I still give away as much as I can but the difference now is that the little extra I have had in money, I’ve been able to give to others when I know they needed it, on top of other things I still donate. People are coming through for me quite a lot lately & I’ve really been wanting to tithe the “right” way because I never was able to before & at very least for the church who did my baptism. I’ve been SO incredible blessed every since & I want to tithe my last pay that I wasn’t even expecting directly to that church. I’ll keep doing anything else I can but after being continuously saved…I want to do more. I know God knows me & HE knows my heart no matter what I do & how grateful I am no matter what. If I could move, I’d be way more proactive in what my giving would look like…I miss that kind the most. It’s the giving of yourself, that is what I believe is tithing.
I enjoyed reading this web page. I also have read majority of these comments. I have struggled for a bit on a Church that my husband and I are attending, about giving our weekly tithes too. I also give to others in need outside of Church when God ways it heavy in my heart to do so.
I am thankful that I have stumbled onto this web site. I understand now what my husband was saying to me , during my confusion of wanting to give to our church, “back in our day people in need went to the Churches for help, instead of relying on the Government.” But now in these times of day people in Churches slowly slipped away and allowed Government to give freely. Should we not go back the ol’ way,?, allow the Churches to help those in need , discretely of course, so that we as Christians can do God’s works by helping those in need and bringing them closer to Jesus Christ. Amen
I use to feel like this I gave my 10% and what is the Pastor doing with my 10% did he pay his Mercedes- Benz car note or bought some $700.00 shoes or put it towards his house with that being said as long as you do your part like the Lord asked us to do we are to pay our 10% and God said he will do the rest meaning he’ll deal with the Pastor if the pastors is not doing what he is suppose to do with your 10% God knows and he will honor you for being obedient God see’s all and hears all. You know paying your 10% could be that you just spared for your LIFE BEING TAKEN AWAY or saved your Children life or God blessed you with this house ect that you been asking for.
Thank you ? with ALL my heart for this SOUND doctrine. I was in dire need in the church I attended I was REALLY struggling to support myself & my daughters there were days we sit in church hunger (but I always paid 10% for my tithes with no food in our home) because I felt pressured to pay regardless. One of the ladies got a $4,000 settlement and instead of tithing to the church she blessed me with $400 and I in turn was able to bless another sister in the church. She sowed her tithes into my life to bless me & my girls. I believe with all my heart that tithing helping. Yes, I pay my tithes to my church but if my husband wld let me I wld use it this month to help my daughter who has nothing. (My 1st husband is dead as is his 1st wife) my daughter is in dire need.
I would not continue going to or giving to a church that was willing to shame a person of meager means for not tithing the full 10% (because giving the full 10% means they can’t afford groceries) without offering any support in this area (ex. financial classes on how to increase personal wealth). I have seen this in churches I attended in the past. I left because those churches weren’t churches lying really a true community, but a caste system favoring the rich folk over the poor folk. That said I have also been a part of churches that’s believe 10% is the way to go because from that perspective it is a matter of faith and they are supportive of their people offering financial classes and those of means mentoring and giving to those that have need without judgement. That is what a true community acts like.
Living in a large city and aware of the 6-figure incomes many pastors here receive, I stopped tithing and now set aside money for urgent needs of friends and family. One recent incident involved a medical emergency of a family member who lived overseas. The medical care in her country needed to be paid as it accrued in $2,000 increments for her to continue to receive care. Shocking, but true. I was able to provide money to the family on short notice. Unfortunately she passed, but the family expressed so much more gratitude than I have ever experienced from tithing to an American church. I would rather weep with those who weep than help make a down-payment on a new sound system.