CapWest Mortgage is a subsidiary of Farmers Bank & Trust, founded in 1907 as a small local bank in a central Kansas town. Are they a solid Mortgage company?
Is It Ok To Walk Away From Your Underwater Mortgage? [Infographic]
More than 11 million families are in “negative equity”, they owe more on their home than it is worth. Is it OK for them to walk away from their mortgage?
Mortgage Applications Rise Even As Rates Inch Up. Is It Time To Buy Or Refinance?
The real estate market was hit hard in the recent downturn. But not all is lost. Rates are low, and home prices are down. Buying a house? You’re in luck.
Dave Ramsey’s New House: Did He Follow His Own Advice And Pay Cash?
Dave Ramsey recently built a new house, and the home and land are valued at over $4,900,000! Did he follow his own teaching and pay cash?
Mortgage Forgiveness For Underwater Homeowners: Will Obama Forgive Billions Of Dollars In Mortgage Principal?
I was reading up on what’s new in the mortgage markets and the economy over the weekend, and one piece of reporting caught my eye because it seemed like it couldn’t possibly be true. It was talking about how the Obama administration is considering making a move later this month where Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
Should You Rent Or Buy A House?
Looking back on my financial life 10 years ago I thought owning a home was a sign I had achieved one of the most important financial goals. Not only did it mean I had good enough income to afford a mortgage, insurance and property taxes, I had an investment I could watch grow for years […]
$8,000 and $6,500 Homebuyer Tax Credits Extended Again Through September 2010 Via H.R.5623
Last month I wrote about how many people were in danger of being left out in the cold with their first time homebuyer or current owner homebuyer tax credits. Because of the large number of homes being purchased, and the slow pace that many banks were taking on homes being bought that were short sales […]
Things You Do That Could Cost You Money When Buying A Home
The last few years have been tough ones for the real estate market, and especially for the banks who have watched as thousands of their home loans have gone into default, and homes into foreclosure. Because the lending market has become so tough, lending guidelines have already started changing, making it tougher for some people […]
Will There Be An Extension Of The June 30th Closing Deadline For The First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit?
The homebuyer tax credit closing deadline has been extended until September 30th, 2010 for those who were under contract by April 30th, 2010. Details here. Over the last year or so we’ve had a lot of talk on this site about the homebuyer tax credit. It helped to spur activity in the real estate markets, […]
Should I Pay Off My Home Mortgage Early Or Invest?
In the past couple of years my wife and I have been able to dig our way out of debt – and a couple of years ago we paid off our last debt, a student loan for my college education. It was an amazing feeling being able to do that – it was a weight […]
Buying A Home? Consider The Costs Of Home Ownership First!
Owning a home can be a blessing or a curse. Truly, homeownership can lead to great wealth or great financial ruin. If you’re thinking about buying a house, consider these potential expenses before diving in. While you might already be paying for some of these things while renting, it is still important to have an […]
How To Protest County Property Tax Appraisals
It may differ by county, but you more than likely have received your county property tax appraisal in the mail recently. The county assesses homes each year to determine property tax liability. County appraisers apply mass appraisal methods and techniques based upon individual characteristics that affect the market value of your home. As a homeowner […]
Home-Buyer Tax Credits Are Being Delayed Or Denied For Some Filers
Over the past year we’ve talked quite a bit the home-buyer tax credits that were available to both first time home-buyers, and more recently to existing homeowners looking to buy a new primary residence. The bill was originally passed in February 2009 as a part of the Obama stimulus package, and was extended at the […]
What Documentation Do I Need To Claim The First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit
If you’re planning on claiming the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit on your 2009 tax return you’re going to have to provide some extra documentation when filing. Not sure what documents you’re required to include? The IRS has provided some guidance on the topic. Required Documentation For The Homebuyer Tax Credit The IRS includes these tips […]