Dave Ramsey recently built a new house, and the home and land are valued at over $4,900,000! Did he follow his own teaching and pay cash?
Mortgage Forgiveness For Underwater Homeowners: Will Obama Forgive Billions Of Dollars In Mortgage Principal?
I was reading up on what’s new in the mortgage markets and the economy over the weekend, and one piece of reporting caught my eye because it seemed like it couldn’t possibly be true. It was talking about how the Obama administration is considering making a move later this month where Fannie Mae and Freddie […]
Should You Rent Or Buy A House?
Looking back on my financial life 10 years ago I thought owning a home was a sign I had achieved one of the most important financial goals. Not only did it mean I had good enough income to afford a mortgage, insurance and property taxes, I had an investment I could watch grow for years […]
Things You Do That Could Cost You Money When Buying A Home
The last few years have been tough ones for the real estate market, and especially for the banks who have watched as thousands of their home loans have gone into default, and homes into foreclosure. Because the lending market has become so tough, lending guidelines have already started changing, making it tougher for some people […]
Will There Be An Extension Of The June 30th Closing Deadline For The First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit?
The homebuyer tax credit closing deadline has been extended until September 30th, 2010 for those who were under contract by April 30th, 2010. Details here. Over the last year or so we’ve had a lot of talk on this site about the homebuyer tax credit. It helped to spur activity in the real estate markets, […]
Should I Pay Off My Home Mortgage Early Or Invest?
In the past couple of years my wife and I have been able to dig our way out of debt – and a couple of years ago we paid off our last debt, a student loan for my college education. It was an amazing feeling being able to do that – it was a weight […]
Home-Buyer Tax Credits Are Being Delayed Or Denied For Some Filers
Over the past year we’ve talked quite a bit the home-buyer tax credits that were available to both first time home-buyers, and more recently to existing homeowners looking to buy a new primary residence. The bill was originally passed in February 2009 as a part of the Obama stimulus package, and was extended at the […]
2 Compelling Reasons To Buy The Most Expensive House In Your Neighborhood
With the recent extension of the homebuyers tax credit and expansion to include a current homeowner tax credit, there is probably going to be a lot of people in the market for a new house. These credits are yet another way people can benefit from economic weakness. If you are in the market for a new […]
$8000 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Extension: Take Advantage Of Incentives Through June 30th, 2010
The homebuyer tax credit closing deadline has been extended until September 30th, 2010 for those who were under contract by April 30th, 2010. Details here. If you’re a first time homebuyer and you thought that you might be out of time when it came to getting the $8000 refundable tax credit, think again! On Friday […]
$6500 Homebuyer Tax Credit For Current Homeowners Signed Into Law Today. Is It Retroactive?
Last week I wrote about how congress was attempting once again to pass an extension of the $8000 first time homebuyer tax credit. There had been several false starts to get an extension passed as the senate and congress weren’t able to agree on amounts of credits, whether to extend the credits at all, and […]
Senators Agree To Extend First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit And Allow Up To $6500 Tax Credit For Current Homeowners
For some time we’ve been talking about the first time homebuyers tax credit that was passed as a part of the 2009 Economic Stimulus Package. As we mentioned a short time ago, if you haven’t already put in a contract on a house and set up your closing for before November 30th, you most likely […]
First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit May Be Extended To All Homebuyers And Increased to $15,000 Through New Bill
The last few months have seen an increase in home sales to first time homebuyers, as well as a slight improvement in the real estate market as a whole. A lot of people feel that this is largely due to the first time homebuyer tax credit that the Obama administration passed earlier this year. The […]
Time Is Running Out To Get The $8000 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit
A few months ago we wrote for the first time about the $8000 first time homebuyer tax credit that the Obama administration passed as a part of the 2009 stimulus bill. The measure was aimed at helping to improve the real estate market that has taken such a huge hit over the past year. They […]
My Experience With The Making Home Affordable Refinance Program: Part 2
A month or two ago I heard about the Obama Administration’s “Making Home Affordable” refinance program. At the time we had already tried to refinance our mortgage once in January or February, and had decided not to proceed because it would have meant that we would have to start paying PMI on our mortgage. With […]