Do you have adequate life insurance, or do you put off increasing your life insurance because money is tight? Here’s why you might need it even more.
Preparing For A Personal Health Catastrophe
Many of us will have a major health crisis in our lifetime. Are you prepared in case your health were to take a turn for the worse?
Talking About Life Insurance: It’s Something You Should Do ASAP
Buying life insurance doesn’t have to be an expensive proposition, and the protection it will buy your family will give you peace of mind.
Should You Buy A Home Warranty?
If you’re moving into a new house, should you invest in a home warranty? Maybe. It all depends on these 3 main factors.
Are You Taking Care of Your Family? Make Sure You Have Life Insurance!
Life insurance is for your loved ones, so it’s important to make it a priority. It probably won’t even cost you as much as your monthly cell phone bill!
Medi-Share Review: A Way To Avoid Purchasing Insurance Or Paying The Obamacare Fee
A select group of people are choosing to sidestep health insurance, and the Obamacare mandate, through Christian-based health programs. Here is why it may be a good option for you.
Traditional Health Insurance Alternatives: Christian Based Health Program
When faced with the tough choice of paying hundreds for traditional health insurance or going without coverage, many families are starting to turn to Christian-based health programs. Here’s how they work.
Make Your Term Life Insurance Stretch By Laddering It
Life insurance is important to ensure that your family doesn’t go through hard times if you die. But how can you get more insurance if you can’t afford much now? Try the insurance laddering method.
Are You Making These 3 Common Insurance Mistakes?
Even if you think that you are set with insurance, you may want to look over your policies and see if you are making these 3 common insurance mistakes.
How We Saved Almost $1000 On Our Homeowners And Auto Insurance Premiums
Homeowner’s insurance can get extremely expensive. Here’s how we were able to reduce our homeowner’s insurance premiums by almost $1000.
Buying Homeowner’s Insurance: What To Look For And How To Keep Your Rates Low
Homeowner’s insurance is an important piece of a financial plan, and is required by most mortgage companies. How do you ensure you’re covered and that you get an affordable rate?
Don’t Leave Things Up To Chance, Or An NFL Replacement Referee. You’ll Be Sorry You Did!
The Monday Night Football game between the Packers and Seahawks can help to illustrate what can happen when you don’t play well in the first half of your financial game.
8 Reasons Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Today (And 2 Why You Shouldn’t)
Life insurance is an uncomfortable topic, but it’s one we all need to talk about. Here are 8 reasons why you should buy term life insurance today, and 2 reasons why you shouldn’t.
How To Pay Less For Auto Insurance: Top 10 Tips
If you drive a car, you’re going to need insurance. Here are some tips that will allow you to get some better deals when shopping for insurance.