Need a little inspiration from The Scriptures? Find 100 short Bible verses for memorization, and to give strength and hope here.
Financial Victor Or Victim: Be Encouraged, Strengthened And Overcome
When hard times arrive, encourage yourself in the Lord! Refuse to identify as a financial victim, be a financial victor with God’s help.
It’s In The Little Things In Life: How Appreciation Helps Us To Appreciate Worth
It’s not always easy to appreciate the little things in our lives, but doing so can really showcase a greater worth. Here are some things to keep in mind to add worth to what you already have
3 Reasons To Set New Years Resolutions Today
Our tiptoes are touching the threshold of a very dangerous time of year. The time of year is called the holiday season. It begins on October 31st and lasts until early January. For many people, these are the months to cease the day. It’s the time to loosen the purse strings and unbuckle the belt […]
What Motivates You The Most?
When we understand what motivates us the most, we can perform better financially, physically, and relationally. So What motivates you?
Thoughts On Escaping The Middle Class
I‘ve been thinking about financial survival a great deal lately. I’ve been asking questions such as how one party gains a financial advantage over another. How is it that the middle class has grown to be so large? It’s like a bell curve, with the middle class at the center with the most population while […]
3 Things You Can Do To Simplify Your Life In 24 Hours
One of our most serious enemies is Complexity. It saps your time by overwhelming you to the point of atrophy, and can lead us to believe there is nothing we can do about our chaotic lives. Whether you are struggling with your finances or simply needing to breathe easier, here are three things you can do […]
Own Your Finances. Your Choice To Struggle, Not Save, Or Live Without A Plan
So I’m standing at the bus stop the other day (I use the bus to commute to work downtown) and I start talking to a gentleman who I only know through waiting on the bus each day. We make small talk about the nice weather. And that discussion rolls into a mention of having a […]
This Blogger Fell Into The FICO Trap, But Saw The Light And Became Debt Free
This is an article from Debt Free Hispanic over at You can read more of his inspiring posts by checking out his site, or subscribing to his RSS feed here. Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV) Today, I’m Debt […]
Debt Free Story: How Frugality, Hard Work And Determination Can Lead To Debt Freedom.
This is an article from blogger Adam Faughn who preaches for the Lebanon Road church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee. Married to the former Leah Moon, Adam is the dad of two children: Mary Carol is 3, and Turner is 2. Adam is also co-hosts iPreach the podcast each week. He blogs at Faughn Family […]
Stories That Illustrate The Power Of Persistence
A lesson everyone must learn is the need to persist when it is difficult. When we experience defeat and rejection, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit, but the successful have learned to persist. – Abraham Lincoln