In January 2014 H.R.3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, will go live. As a result many people will see increased taxes, and others will receive tax breaks. Let’s take a look.
What Is A Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)? How Does It Work?
Flexible spending accounts are a way to allow employees to save money on taxes by setting aside money to pay for health care costs. But how do they work?
Things To Remember During Open Enrollment: Tools And Resources To Make It Easier
Near the end of the year many companies have open enrollment to sign up for benefits. Here are some resources to make it less confusing.
2011 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Changes
If you use a flexible spending account there are important changes for 2011 that you should be aware of, limiting your ability to use the pre-tax funds.
Study Finds Being Over-Indebted Increases Your Risk of Becoming Obese
Since the start of the worldwide economic crisis, the number of people in high-income countries who are considered over-indebted – in spite of a severe cutback in living standards – has risen exponentially. Not surprisingly, profound indebtedness has been linked to an increase in stress levels, often resulting in poor sleep. However, it seems that […]
What Is A Health Savings Account (HSA)? How Does It Work?
Last year I wrote a lengthy post on Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) because the company I work for was looking for ways to help employees cut costs in light of a large health insurance premium increase that we were slated to see. Flexible spending accounts are a great deal because they allow you to set […]
New 1099 Reporting Requirements In Obama Health Care Plan: A Small Business Paperwork Nightmare?
When The Obama Health Care law passed this year few people actually knew what was fully contained within the bill’s thousands of pages. Only now after the law has been passed are we finding out the details about some of the provisions within the law that could affect us. A lot of people aren’t happy […]
How To Save Money On Health Care (When Having A Baby Or Having Other Medical Procedures)
One of the most expensive line items in a lot of people’s budgets is the health care category. Whether you’ve got a lot of health issues and just end up paying a lot of money, or if you have high ticket health care insurance, the costs can be quite high. Because the costs are already […]
When Will I Get My $250 Medicare Part D Donut Hole Check?
Earlier this week President Obama spoke with seniors at a town hall meeting in regards to the Medicare Part D prescription benefit, and talked about how many of those seniors would be receiving a $250 check in the mail as a result of the health care reform passed earlier this year. Today I thought I […]
Why Is It Important To Have Health Coverage, Even If You’re Healthy?
A question that I’ve struggled with over the past few years is whether the money my wife and I pay every month for health insurance premiums are really worth it. We’re paying thousands of dollars every year for coverage, and we could never really see much benefit. We’re young and healthy and we don’t have […]