My dad, Mark Lloyd Anderson, died a couple of weeks ago on 11/25/24. Here is a eulogy and remembrance of the man I called dad.
30 Quotes About Easter And Resurrection: He Is Risen!
Here are 30 quotes about Easter and the resurrection to help us to think about the meaning behind the day.
How To Get Started With Faith-Based Investing
What is faith-based investing, and how does it work? Is it worth your money and time? And, how do you get started with faith-based investing?
How Should Christians Invest? 3 Barriers To Becoming A “Talented” Investor
How should Christians invest in the stock market, and what are some barriers to becoming a proficient investor as a follower of Christ?
Bible Verses About Being Happy: Inspirational Scriptures About Joy And Happiness
The Bible has plenty to say about joy, happiness, and laughter. Here’s are our favorite Bible verses about being happy and joyful.
Bible Verses About Not Giving Up: Motivational Bible Verses To Give Strength, Hope, And Encouragement
When faced with challenging circumstances turn to the Word of God. These Bible verses about not giving up bring strength, comfort, and hope!
Bible Verses About Anxiety: Scriptures To Remind Us That God Is In Control
Some people experience anxiety attacks so severe that they mirror a heart attack. Anxiety can be crippling. The Bible has many verses that can be helpful.
Flawed Financial Philosophy: Folklore We Need To Overcome
What we believe and why truly matters. Too often we believe traditions that are not rooted and the Good Book. Here are 3 that we need to challenge.
How Sobriety Lead Me To Faith And Financial Freedom
Getting down on my knees and asking God for help was the best decision of my life. Here’s how getting sober affected my life and gave me financial freedom.
Merry Christmas: For To Us A Child Is Born, To Us A Son Is Given,
While a lot of the Christmas holiday has been over-run by consumerism and greed that has become so prevalent in our culture, for me looking back to God’s word really brings me hope.
3 Ways To Be More Grateful This Christmas
Why not bring back the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy the holiday more starting this year? What do you do to bring Christmas spirit back into focus?
How I Completely Changed My Life By Tithing
Tithing is controversial. There are always going to be people that question whether or not it is biblical, but for me, tithing changed my life. Here’s how.
20 Places To Get A Free Bible
There are a lot of places that you can get a free Bible, in different versions and languages. Here are 20 places you can get the scriptures without cost
Bible Verses About Hope: Staying Positive In The Midst Of Hardship
We all need hope in turbulent times. This post looks at Bible verses about hope, and examines why we as Christians should have hope in Christ.