We all have times in our lives when nothing seems to go quite right.
Your car breaks down, then you get sick, and then your basement floods. One problem leads into another.
Our family is going through one of these times right now as we speak. We’ve been having family health issues galore, with several visits to the hospital and quite a few other smaller issues popping up all at once.
It isn’t fun to deal with, but when you have faith, you can find strength and encouragement in the Bible.
Today I thought I would look at some of the Bible verses that have encouraged us lately.
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Bible Verses of Encouragement That Give Strength
God has encouraged us that if we believe in Him he will give us strength, no matter what we’re dealing with. Here are a few verses that speak to the strength and encouragement we can find in Him.
God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself. –Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you;my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.
1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!
Psalm 32:7-8 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
Bible Verses of Encouragement That Bring Comfort
God doesn’t always take away the pain or suffering that we’re dealing with, but he does give us comfort in the midst of those troubles.
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Isaiah 49:13 Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.
Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Matthew 11:28-29 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Bible Verses of Encouragement And Peace
Be encouraged because we can look to him to find the peace that we so lack in this life.
The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’ –Billy Graham
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
Romans 8:6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
God’s Promises Can Encourage Us And Give Hope
God has made a multitude of promises to those who follow Him, and we can be encouraged by those promises. Here are a few of my favorites.
God has made promises to those who follow Him, and we can be encouraged by those promises. Click To Tweet- God has promised us eternal life if we believe in him: John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.
- God is faithful to His children: Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations
- God has promised to hear our prayers: Psalms 4:3 Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.
- God has promised to guide us: Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
More Resources To Strengthen And Encourage
Here are a few more posts that give insight into how the Bible looks at certain topics.
- Bible Verses About Money
- Bible Verses About Hope
- 100 Short Bible Verses
- Bible Verses About Prayer
- Bible Verses About God’s Unconditional Love
- Bible Verses About Strength In Hard Times
- Bible Verses About Thanksgiving And Appreciation
- 8 More Bible Verses About Money
- Bible Verses About Contentment
- Bible Verses About Overcoming Adversity, Struggles And Hardship
- Bible Verses About Worry
- Bible Verses About Not Giving Up
- Get A Free Bible
Hey Peter – Great post. I’m glad you and your family can call upon your faith to help you through trying times. I hope things get better soon – and I look forward to meeting when the time is right.
Thanks for your kind words, here’s to hoping for better days! I’m sure we’ll meet soon!
Thank you!!!
This is my favorite verse: Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
thank u so much sir for your hard work….
Thank you.May God continue using you in building His kingdom.You have helped me a lot
Thank you so much dear brother. This has encouraged me and I am full of hope and happiness right now.
God bless you
Beatrice Akwii Uganda
Thank you for your platform and for being a blessing! May God continue to bless you to be a blessing to others!
I’m kelvin Bryant from Liberia
I am going through serious depression from my brake up with my kids mom. to be honest it’s killing me slowly, I have try to let it go but it keeps hurting me ever time I think on the time and energy I invested in the relationship.
Kelvin Bryant,
Kelvin, look up https://www.fromhispresence.com/ and you’ll find a
prayer that will address your problem. I prayed for
my cousin using one of those prayers, based on
scripture, and I saw her situation that had lasted for
years, change in about two months time. It may take
less time for your situation to change, or more, but
I’m telling you those prayers work. It was nothing short
of a miracle, and I pray for you that you too will experience
a miracle in your situation. (I used “Prayer to Reverse
Unjust Situations” for her but there are other powerful prayers also
for various situations on that site)
The God who saved Israel through Mordecai and Esther, the God of Justice,
I pray for the Holy Spirit to absolutely come into your life to comfort you and your family. I pray for a reunion in the name of Jesus Christ.
GE your words brought comfort to me. It appears from I accepted the mandate on my life, I’m always in a spiritual warfare. Everytime I turn around something is always happening to me. I’m minding my business n here comes trouble. Most times it appears to affect my finances. It’s been a struggle for most of my life. It’s funny I live by a few bible verses n one is it’s better to give than to recd. At the moment, I’m experiencing grave financial difficulties (I sustained twice injuries on the job as a teacher my quality of life is quite diminished. On my right side which is dominant, I have a pinched nerve, carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatic nerve damage in my lower back, in constant pain) where it appears I cant even pay for my basic needs which is food, shelter n electricity. It appears, I would have to upheave my life and live on the street. My job declared that nothing was wrong with me even though its medically documented. Also, by their doctor, I’m unfit to work. But with a stroke of his pen changed the dynamics of my life. They were paying me while I was recuperating, then a few months b4 returning to work, they stopped paying. I officially returned now, but my pay is drastically reduced to nothing. But I keep speaking the word of God that’s all I have. My faith is strong. But being human it really hurts. Again, I thk you for your words of encouragement. Blessings always!
Faith, my name is Sue, please read my comment to Jessica and Kelvin,
on this site, I would suggest you find that site I mentioned to them. God
bless you, Faith, and may you experience miracles in those troubling
O bless you faith I really hope your finances get much better I am praying for you even though I am 11 I know the road to heaven is hard
I am going through a really hard time. I really need lots of prayer. My children are living in different places and I don’t get to talk to them or see them. I went through a rough marriage and left. I made the mistake of trying to let my oldest two children’s father back in there life. I was a single young parent for the first 2 years of their life. My husband was an alcoholic and that was the reason I left. I didn’t want my children to be around that. But I gave him another chance 2 years later because he was “sober”. He started his drinking back up the first day we moved back in together. So I tried to make plans to leave since all my money went on getting the new place. He called the police when I tried to take my kids with me and told them we were fighting I was irate and that I started the whole thing. Well since our children were there they call the Dept of family and children services. And I ended up being told I had to leave the property and my children with my husband. He disappeared with them. 3 and a half months later I finally found my daughter but nobody could tell me where my son was. I was living with my family and went and got my daughter. I went to police and dfcs trying to get help finding my son. Nobody could help me. I kept getting rumors my husband took him to Florida to an aunt of his. Still nobody who had the power to help would do anything to help me. My family’s home is quite old and had some problems my family couldn’t afford to fix. Well dfcs came and seen mold in my parents bedroom ceiling. Two weeks after I got my daughter back they made me give her back to my husband’s mom. (Where I found her). As dfcs is telling me this, they drop a bombshell on me. They said, “We found your son, he’s in Florida will an aunt named Susan Williams. He’s being adopted and theres nothing you can do about it. I’m pregnant with my 3rd child going through all this. I started living on the streets of Helen because I needed to be close enough to jobs. I went door to door every day asking everyone for a job. I was a liability was all I got told. Well I found a place to live with an old friend and her stepfather a month and a half before my 3rd child was born. It was a nice home and my friend helped me get everything my child would need. Well he was taken from me at the hospital 2 days after he was born. Dfcs said the address I had given was a false address, it was an empty lot. It wasn’t so I went to there office with proof. They told me to take it to court at the 72 hr hearing. When I got to court they said nothing of that allegation. Instead they said that my friends stepfather wouldn’t give his information. He is a private person who doesn’t trust dfcs and doesn’t want them in his life at all. So again I was back on the streets of Helen looking for a job. I figured well I’m not pregnant now so surely someone will give me a job. And they did. But 2 weeks later I ran into Susan who has my oldest son. They told me who they were and said my son was having anxiety so bad it was like he was having asthma attacks and they needed me to sign my rights away so they could take him to the doctor. I was still homeless cause I had just recently gotten a job and didn’t have enough money for a place yet. I didn’t know how to fight. They promised I’d be able to see him and talk to him. That was the second biggest mistake of my life. I signed the papers. They knew just what to say to get me to sign. And of course that never came through. That night I tried to call and talk to my daughter and my husbands grandmother talked to me instead. She’s the one who helped me to find my daughter. But that day she told me that my daughter was asleep that she had a rough day. It turns out about the same time I signed the papers for my son my daughter had found pictures of her brother and at first she was so excited. And my husbands grandmother told me she asked her what was wrong. And my 4 year old daughter said where’s Kenny, I missKenny, I want my bubby back and my 4 year old baby girl broke down and cried for 3 hours (they’re 18 months apart and were very close, and still hadn’t seen each other themselves). I got off the phone and went inside the bar and poured my heart out to the owner. I was really good friends with him and his wife. I didn’t have any money cause I had spent it on food. So I asked him if I could have a drink. That night I got drunk and was even more depressed. I felt so hopeless and felt like the biggest failure. I let my kids down. I couldn’t get my son back for my daughter like she needed. I couldn’t even get any of them back for myself. I prayed for God to kill me for Him to just end it all. I’m too much of a coward to try and kill myself, I’m a naturally clumsy person so I have always been afraid I’d screw it up and be seriously messed up for the rest of my life. That’s actually probably a good thing. Well of course God didn’t do as I asked and pleaded. I shook myself out of it a couple hours later and told myself this isn’t me I don’t want to wish for this (that part I believe was all God). But my still depressed mind didn’t realize it at the time. I ended up going to meth the very next day to try and numb it all away. Well then addiction took ahold of me. I was in and out of jail and doing meth for 4 years when I was out. I had a judge who truly cared about me. I had 2 babies that I lost due to the drugs. My judge sent me to a prison facility that is for drug rehabilitation. It’s a very good program. And it got me clean and off the drugs. I’m currently 4 years clean. Things have gotten better. I was able to spend time with my oldest daughter and talk to her on the phone. My daughter is 10 years old now. But shortly after her birthday this year, she doesn’t respond to my messages. She’ll look at them but wont respond. Please I’m trying my hardest to keep my faith. I’ve gotten really close to God in the last 4 years. My babies are my world and I’d give anything to have them all back in my arms. I need lots of prayer. I get really depressed around this time of year. My oldest son just turned 9 on December 4th. I haven’t seen or gotten to talk to him since a month and a half after he turned 2. My other three I wasn’t able to get back due to years of addiction and mistakes. Drugs dont help your problems they just add to them. I ran out of time and let my faith shrink, not all the way. My faith is down to the size of that mustard seed. But I’m not giving up on God. I need a miracle and I know only God can make it possible. Sorry this is so long. I just needed to finally tell my story how it happened and ask for prayer. I’m engaged to a hard working amazing man who also loves the Lord and I’m about to start school in January to be a health care assistant. Thanks for the prayers and God bless.
Jessica remember God is still in control and he will make your path straight stay encouraged and know it was painful but it all will serve a purpose.
Hello Jessica I read your post I don’t know how long ago you posted I will be praying for you and your situation. God Bless You
Hey i read your story its very inspiring and even though some people may not understand i am just now trying to understand my mother has been battling with addiction ALL MY life! It has torn us apart and broke us down in every way possible except losing faith in God. God is the only reason we are able to mend things. I’m 24 years old, the oldest of 3 kids. 22 and 10. My mom is finding her way back to us and we never truly gave up on her. The lord is shining a light on our relationship and we are all trying hard to embrace it one day at a time ! You just keep holding on sweetheart, I prayed for you as well.
Jessica, I’m not sure how long ago you wrote this, but if
you’re still going through
all or some of the unfair situations you wrote about, please find
‘https://www.fromhispresence.com/’ and look for
“Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations”;
I can’t guarantee an overnight answer, but I prayed
this for my cousin who was
being verbally abused by her boyfriend…She was estranged
from her mother, and having a hard time forgiving her. It didn’t
happen overnight, but she’d had the problem which looked
impossible for years but nothing seemed to
change. After praying that prayer in faith, in about two
months everything changed, and
now she is even living in her mothers home WITH
her mother and they not only
get along they actually enjoy each others company.
She’s been vindicated, and her
name is cleared. Her boyfriend is out of her life, and he’s
finally being investigated for
some things she found out he was doing that are illegal.
(She had no part in that) I recommend this to anyone
that is in an unfair or “impossible” situation, find that
prayer and say it out loud and from your heart. Also pray
Psalm 91, out loud, and often, for your and your loved
one’s protection. It’s a powerful psalm/prayer of protection
by the angels of Almighty God.
There’s nothing impossible for God!,
I declare Gods abundant blessings of restorations deliverance today in Jesus name!
The Lord is gracious merciful who call upon his name with humble heart by faith. His pure love, peace and joy be unto you today!!!
I have read your story and I was about to cry when I remembered how the Lord brought me through a difficult situation. The Lord is kind’ Psalms 117 says for His merciful kindness is great towards us.
I am so glad things are working out for you now. The Lord has turned things around for you.
Always remember and or read the footprint poem. There were one pair of footprints in the sand. We know the rest of the poem tells us that it is His feet in the sand, that’s because He’s the one carrying us in those difficult times. God bless and continue to hold on to His love ??
Wow…very powerful verses
The Bible verses are very inspiring, and have powerful messages for daily encouragement. I will continue to read the Bible verses for encouragement, motivation and self healing. I’m sure it will help strengthen my faith. Also, God’s promises can encourage, inspire, and strengthen us.
Thank you so much for sharing! Continue blessings always!
Thank you for these bible verses.
God bless.
Oh what an inspiring site with God, I can just sleep all through the night because I feel disappointed, where I work for over ten years with my boss in good working relationship, and he recommended me for a position which discussed with me and I shared with my pastor for prayers for approval from the headquarters only for me to see somebody Name in place of the position I was recommended for from different department but same institution and is person that is well known to me, and we are in the same rank. Please pray for me to bear the situation as God make it to be so.But is really hard for me to bear after labouring all these year without reward why God…
I am sorry to hear this, but GOD is with you and working in your life. He loves you… I hope you know that. If you ever need anything i am here for you, and so is GOD, pray to him ,your situation may not change, but i hope your perspective does, you’ll be in my prayers!!! God’s not gone, be patient with him, and like I said, try to look at your current life situation in a differnet perspective, look at it in GOD’S eyes, and read your bible. Here’s a verse he has personally shown me,
Psalm 9:10- King James Version (KJV)
10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
And the next psalm…GOD just pointed me towards, psalm 10, line 11 He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.
Whoever you are I pray that you put your trust in him, and cling to him, for he desires this. Cling to him, and beleive me he won’t let you down, change your perspective, to a positive one, a GODLY one, it really helps!!!! I love you brother/sister in Christ!!! GOD bless you!!! I will be praying for you!!!
OK thanks for the encouragement
it is so good to get the verses like this ones here in the internet so that we can get the strength that we need. this are the powerful words from GOD to encourage us.
Thank you so much for those insightful encouragements. But how can I get daily scriptures of encouragement and strength?
Thank you Peter. I am encouraged by the examples you provided of God’s encouraging words taken from the greatest love story known to mankind, The Holy Bible…..In Christ, Joel.
Hi Peter. Just wanted to hear if things are now better for you and your family? Hope you are all well, and thank you for the encouraging scriptures
Yes, we’re doing much better these days, thank you for asking. God bless!
may God help you and be with you through it all.
God is good always!
Hey Peter I was going through a hard time but it’s a little better now. Thank you
I am very glad to be with you talk about Bible.
This verses were very helpful
Hi Peter, wow, your words could not come at a more appropriate time! I can only liken it to an experience of having lived through a period of great thirst and stumbling into an oasis of clear fresh water, peace and rest. God is so good. He truly knows our deepest needs. Stay awesome Peter:-) Love and blessings to you and all your family. Thank you, Joy
Deare heavenly Father,I ask that you grant me today, the grace ,wisdom and strength to always recognize the need of those around me,that I may bring them hope ,and inspire them to success and greatness.I thank you for making me a lifter and a helper of others.Today, i choose to help someone be a success, in Jesus’Name. Amen.
Word of God is very Powerful it heals and transform people, thanks Peter for sharing.
Thanks for your encouraging words.
You have really helped me a lot.
Thank you so much, Sir Peter, I have a lot of copies, Any Encouragement Verses From you, I’m excited to share in Church Groupmates? God shower more blessings on your beloved family.
Thank you so much sir .for ur inspired messages really I’m so depressed that my mind says no more to live in this world.after reading ur messages feels comfort that God is ther for us in trouble..
It is really encouraging appreciate much
thanks for your encouraging words may God bless you.
Thank you so much for the time and effort to have this done.
Impressive piece!
God is magnificent!
His promises for us are beautiful.
How I just love Jesus a 100% because of His love for us.
All scriptures quoted here are super duper fly!
Thanks for the write up.
One of the Bible verses that has encouraged me to put my faith in God in hard times, particularly through those challenging my ability or efforts is 1 Sam 14:6 – “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.”
It confidently declares the power of God to save us in tough times irrespective of our ability.