I was tagged by a new meme by 3PrincessesMomma. She asks 7 big questions that can change your life. They are: 1. What will I try to improve on next week? 2. What was I most proud of this week? 3. What was my biggest accomplishment this week? 4. What have I done to get […]
Free Online Resources For Losing Weight And Working Out
A couple of days ago I posted about how I was going to be joining the 100 Push-Up Challenge that so many other bloggers have embarked upon in the last week or so. On Monday I completed day 1 of the challenge, and so far so good! I haven’t buckled under the pressure… yet. I […]
Saving Money At The Movies This Summer
Save money at the movies this summer by implementing the advice in these helpful tips. Time to save at the silver screen!
Personal Finance Bible Verse of the Day: Don’t Fix Your Hope on Riches
Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up […]
Sad News: Passing Of A Wonderful Grandmother
I just found out a short while ago that my grandmother, Katherine Holmes, passed away this afternoon. It hasn’t really even begun to sink in yet, but she will be greatly missed. She was one of the most kind, caring and loving people I have ever been privileged to know. She was the epitome of […]
Your feedback is needed. Reader Question of the day
I received an interesting question yesterday from Reader J. Thoma What do you think about mortgages as a form of debt? Is it worth taking a second mortgage to buy rental property and get income from tenants? Or is it better to pay off the first mortgage ASAP? How would you answer this question? How […]
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University: Week 5 – Credit Sharks In Suits
Last Week – Dumping Debt Last week was week 4 in Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University“. The lesson for week 4 was another good one, this time focusing on dumping all of your debt using the debt snowball! A few of the important points about how to dump your debt: Quit borrowing more money. Don’t […]
Saving Tip: Save Like You’re Paying Off A High Interest Debt
I was driving down the highway on my way home from work the other day when I looked up and saw a billboard for a local bank. It had a two sentence ad for their high-yield savings account that really caught my attention. It said: Your future called. It said to send money This really […]
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University: Week 4 – Dumping Debt
In Review – Last Week Last week was our third week in Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University“. The lesson for the week focused on cash flow planning, and was one of the more intense lessons we’ve had as it went deep into putting together a budget, and the reasons for doing so. A few of […]
One Word Meme
I was tagged by Walk With Me in another blogger Meme today, The “one word meme”. All you have to do is answer the list of questions with a one word answer. When you’re done you tag four more bloggers to continue the meme. I don’t always like doing these memes, but I needed a […]
Are We Going To Get Another Stimulus Rebate Check?
I was reading the news this morning when I came across this little news item talking about some of Barack Obama’s campaign promises he made yesterday: Barack Obama spoke directly to pocketbook issues in this capital city Monday, hitting Republican John McCain hard as he outlined an economic plan that would include a second stimulus […]
Food Is A Big Expense. How Can You Save?
I recently asked my twitter.com followers what they spend on groceries every month. I got answers ranging anywhere $250/month for a family of two to over $600/month for a family of 4. The largest family was a family of 6 who spends $450/month on food. Our food bill for a family of two is often […]
Personal Finance Bible Verse of the Day: Needs
And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 Whenever I’m feeling uneasy about having enough money in the budget, or worried about making ends meet when unexpected bills pop up, I just remember that God never gives us more than we can handle, and […]
Lies and Money: What Are You Keeping From Your Spouse?
Money And Marriage One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot more lately is just how much of a role money can play in a marriage, and how you approach it can determine the success or failure of the relationship. In fact, statistics have shown that the majority of marriages that end in divorce cite […]