Financial Peace University has been used by millions to escape the chains of debt. This month a newly revised version of the class was released. Here’s what is changing.
8 Reasons Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Today (And 2 Why You Shouldn’t)
Life insurance is an uncomfortable topic, but it’s one we all need to talk about. Here are 8 reasons why you should buy term life insurance today, and 2 reasons why you shouldn’t.
Unboxing The New 2012 Financial Peace University (FPU) Membership Kit
Dave Ramsey has just released a new and revamped Financial Peace University class. Today we’re unboxing the new membership kit included with the class.
How Much House Can You Afford To Buy? Should You Buy Less Than Your Means Allow?
How much house can you afford if you want to keep yourself in a sound financial position? How much should you spend if you also want to build wealth?
What Does It Cost To Sell A House? How Much Can You Expect To Pay In Fees, Commissions And Taxes?
When you add it all up, selling a home can cost thousands of dollars in commissions, fees, taxes and other costs. Here’s what costs to expect when selling your house.
Credit Sesame Mobile Android App Review: Check Your Credit Score For Free On The Go!
The new Credit Sesame credit score app is a great way to stay on top of your credit while on the go. It allows you to see your Experian credit score for free.
Attributes Of An Olympic Athlete That Can Help You In Your Financial Life
What are some attributes of an Olympic athlete that allows them to succeed, and how can you emulate those traits in your financial life in order to get ahead?
Vote For Bible Money Matters In The 2012 Plutus Awards
This year marks the third annual Plutus Awards, an annual event to honor the best in the personal finance blogging community. Please vote for me for the People’s choice award from now until early September!
Motif Investing Review: Theme Based Investing With $150 New Account Bonus
Motif Investing is a brokerage that allows you to invest in stocks, with a twist. Instead of buying individual stocks, you buy theme based bundles of stocks called a motif. Here’s how it can help you save.
What Millionaires Drive: Income Level And Car Prestige Don’t Always Match Up
When you look at the data around what cars those with a high net worth own, you might be surprised to see just how few of them are driving luxury brands.
How Our Goal Based Savings Account Keeps Us From Overspending On Vacation
We’ve found that goal based savings accounts are a great tool for financial planning at our house. They help us to pay cash and avoid debt as well as keeping spending in check.
The History Behind Credit Bureaus, And The Founding Of The Big Three
Where did the credit bureaus come from, and how long have they been around?
Lending Club Returns At 12.02%: Lending Club Has Issued Over 775 Million In Loans To Date
My Lending Club account has continued to show good returns despite having another late loan. Lending Club has continued their growth and they have now issued $775,060,475 in loans to date.
How Attending Blog Conferences Can Actually Make You Money
Attending a blog conference isn’t cheap, but if you do things right attending can add thousands of dollars to your bottom line. Here’s how.