The cost of a college education is high, and the costs are rising every year. How can you save for your child’s college costs?
What Does The Bible Have To Say About Investing?
What does the bible say about planning ahead, saving and investing? Here are some thoughts on the investing philosophy the Bible teaches.
How To Get Free Unlimited Voice And Data Cell Phone Service Or Free 4G Wireless Internet
A lot of people overpay for wireless internet or cell phone service. Here is how to get both for free.
401k Contribution Limits And Rules For 2013
Here is a quick review of what the 401k contribution limits, rules and regulations are likely to be for 2013.
10 Bible Verses About Contentment: How Can We Feel Contentment In A Restless World?
Here are 10 bible verses about contentment that speak to how we can find true contentment in such a discontented age.
The Fiscal Cliff: Why Your Tax Rates Could Increase Next Year
At the end of 2012 we’ll be encountering the fiscal cliff, an increase in tax rates, expiration of deductions and other tax provisions that could lead to huge tax increases. Here’s how it could affect you.
Don’t Leave Things Up To Chance, Or An NFL Replacement Referee. You’ll Be Sorry You Did!
The Monday Night Football game between the Packers and Seahawks can help to illustrate what can happen when you don’t play well in the first half of your financial game.
Searching For Better Yields? Lending Club Could Be The Ticket In Tough Economic Times: Returns At 12%
Lending Club continues it’s explosive growth, and should surpass $1 billion in loans originated sometime in October 2012. My returns with Lending Club are now right at 12%.
Fixing Broken Things Is Often A Better Financial Decision Than Buying New
Far too often we just discard or replace things when they get old or show some wear. Instead, why not fix those items, or give them a good cleaning to return them to a like new state?
Storm On Demand Review: The Time Had Come To Move To A New Host With Better Support
This past weekend we moved all of my sites to the Storm cloud servers at Liquid Web. The support and service that they’ve offered are second to none. Here’s a quick rundown of why we switched.
What To Do When Your To-Do List Starts Getting A Bit Too Long
When we get busy in life our to-do list can start to grow. Here are some ways to refocus your priorities and organize your to-do list so that you can cross those items off.
We Won Best Religious Personal Finance Blog In The Plutus Awards! Post Roundup
A week or two ago we put out a call asking for your help in the voting for the Plutus Awards, a personal finance blogging awards show put on by Luke over at Consumerism Commentary and others in the personal finance community. The show had a live ceremony last night to announce the winners at […]
Motif Investing $150 New Account Bonus: Create Diversified Stock Portfolios Without Expense Ratios
Motif Investing is a great way to invest in bundles of stocks, while saving on commissions and fees. Now they’re also offering a $150 bonus for new accounts.
Discipline: An Attribute Of Millionaires That You Need To Succeed
One of the traits of millionaires and other highly successful people is that they are highly disciplined and know how to use their time and resources wisely.