We all want to save as much money as possible when shopping online. This 5 step plan will help you to save big bucks through discounts, coupon codes, cash back sites and more.
2013 Traditional And Roth IRA Contribution Limits And Phase Outs
For the 2013 tax year the amount that you can contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA has finally gone up after a couple of years of remaining the same.
Homeowner Tax Breaks, Deductions And Credits Reinstated In The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended some popular tax deductions, credits and other breaks for homeowners through 2013. Here are the details of the extended tax breaks.
TurboTax Review: Your Taxes, Simplified
Over the years TurboTax has quietly become one of the top names in tax preparation software. Their software is known for it’s ease of use and it’s accuracy.
Debt Is Like Quicksand: The Struggle To Escape Can Often Lead To Greater Problems
Dealing with debt can seem like you’re sinking in quicksand. The psychological burden of dealing with scarcity can lead to even more poor financial decisions, and more debt.
Why Is My Paycheck Less This Month? Did My Taxes Just Go Up?
If you have an earned income you’re likely to see a reduction in your paychecks this year. Here’s why.
How To Save Money On Just About All Of Your Regular Monthly Bills
People often take their monthly bills for granted, not thinking about how they can save money on those regular expenditures. Here’s how to save thousands.
IRS Delays Accepting Returns Until January 30th For 1040 Filers Due To Fiscal Cliff Legislation
With all the changes being made due to the American Taxpayer Relief Act legislation, the IRS is now scrambling to make updates so they can start accepting returns for 1040 filers by January 30th.
Pocket Your Dollars Book Review: 5 Attitude Changes That Will Help You Change Your Life
Getting rid of debt is about so much more than just creating a spreadsheet and a budget. It’s about the emotions, beliefs and attitudes that we hold that can end up getting us in trouble if we’re not careful.
Avoid The Distractions And Keep Your Focus On Your Goals Or You’ll End Up With Empty Pockets
Far too often people have a hard time focusing on and achieving a goal because there are so many things distracting their attention along the way.
Ally Bank Apps For Android And iOS Smartphones Now Allow Remote Echeck Deposits
Ally Bank is a top rated online bank that offers great customer service and industry leading rates. Now they also have a mobile app that allows remote check deposits.
Fiscal Cliff Deal Passed By Congress. What Is In The Bill And Why Your Taxes Are Probably Going Up
Congress passed a fiscal cliff measure on January 1st that means tax rates will remain untouched for most taxpayers. Here’s why your taxes are probably going up anyway.
The Debt Movement: Start The New Year By Joining The Movement And Dumping Debt
Being in debt can be a huge strain and can completely weigh you down. The Debt Movement is a group committed to helping people pay off $10,000,000 of debt in 90 days.
Happy New Year! A Look Back At The Top 20 Posts Of 2012
As 2013 arrives, I thought I’d take a look back and share the top 20 posts on Bible Money Matters in 2012.