There are several things that Christians must be careful of when we choosing to invest, among them is trusting in our wealth instead of God.
The Dangers Of Investing For A Christian Part 1: Profiting From Sin
There are several things that Christians must be careful of when we choosing to invest, among them profiting from sin and trusting in our wealth instead of God.
How To Find Your Unclaimed Money
There is over $33 billion in unclaimed money waiting to be found. Find out exactly what unclaimed money consists of, and how to find your share!
Should Christians Invest In Stocks?
As Christians, we are called to be good stewards over the money and wealth with which God has provided to us. Should we consider investing in stocks?
Financial Advice That I Wish I Listened To When I Was Younger
I just spent the last few hours reviewing our household finances – both short term and long term. As I looked at our mountain of debt and the number of years it will take to get out from underneath it, I couldn’t help but to reflect on all of the financial advice which I now […]
When Faced With Financial Disaster, Can You Live Without These Things?
I was searching for something recently and I came across the story of Brianna Karp. Basically, she lost her job in 2008, and ended up living in a trailer in a Wal-Mart parking lot. She was without electricity, and didn’t have the ability to take regular showers or prepare home-cooked meals. The article then tells […]
Why You Need To Hire A Tax Professional
Every year during tax season, many people consider whether they should hire a tax professional. They try to weigh the costs (money out of their pocket, time to travel to the preparer’s office, etc) and the benefits (assurance that their tax return was done correctly, time saved by not having to conduct research, etc). Below […]
Should You Pay Off Debt Or Save For Retirement?
If you are in debt and behind in your retirement savings, where do you stick your cash? Do you hold off on contributing to retirement accounts until you are completely debt free?