If your budget isn’t working the way that you intend it to work, then you may need to start from the ground up and build a budget beginning with the essentials.
How To Plan For Long Term Income Loss
If you’re expecting to have long term income loss, no matter what the reason, this post is for you. I’ve found that if I write about the financial events occurring in my life, others will most likely identify and benefit from the discussion. In a few years time, my wife will be solely focusing on […]
3 Financial Self Defense Weapons
In many ways, having a strong financial foundation can be a form of self defense. There are many things that can attack our financial lives: crushing debt, losing a job, and unexpected emergencies just to name a few. There are three weapons that I have found effective to fight off the financial burdens that plague […]
Thoughts On Escaping The Middle Class
I‘ve been thinking about financial survival a great deal lately. I’ve been asking questions such as how one party gains a financial advantage over another. How is it that the middle class has grown to be so large? It’s like a bell curve, with the middle class at the center with the most population while […]
3 Important Financial Lessons That Changed My Life
Principles. They’re what financial planners depend on in order to offer wise counsel. Sometimes principles are simple and straightforward. Other times, they’re a bit more complex. Some principles need to be modified, others are timeless. What are some timeless principles that we need to be reminded of every so often? This is a collection of […]
Financial Prioritization: How To Know What’s Important
“Build your emergency fund.” “Invest in retirement.” “Pay off your debt.” The more I write about personal finance, the greater the complexities I discover when it comes to prioritization. For those just starting on the path to a healthier financial future, Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps might just be the ticket. But over the course […]
Christians And Wealth: Do They Mix?
Today I’d like to tackle a difficult topic. Every Christian surely has struggled with thoughts about becoming rich: is it a godly thing to do? It’s not always easy to understand how God views wealth. However, the Bible does have a lot to say about the topic of money. So let’s start there, with the […]
5 Ways To Successfully Fail At Personal Finance
Okay, so you want to fail. You want to crash and burn your finances. You really don’t care about all that “saving money” talk and would rather live your life on the edge – of homelessness. What advice is out there for a person like you? Well, here you go. These are my top five […]
3 Financial Principles You Can Depend On!
I‘ve been writing about finance for some time now, and in all my research 3 principles stand out as the most important. You’ve heard these before; the problem is most people don’t take them to heart. If you follow these straightforward rules of thumb, you’re almost guaranteed to become wealthy. Let’s start with the one […]
What Is An Economic Bubble Anyway?
It seems nearly every financial publication released today has the term “bubble” in it somewhere. Many of us know it’s a bad thing, but what does it really mean and how do they happen? Do they truly have an effect on the average consumer? Hopefully we can clear up the confusion of what an economic […]
Increase Your Productivity With These Three Powerful Tools
There is nothing like the feeling of a hard day’s work, where everything has been taken care of and you have nothing else to accomplish. But for many, that’s the ideal day, and not the norm. If you ever feel that your productivity is lagging behind, you’re going to need some new techniques and tools […]
Do You Share Equal Financial Responsibility With Your Spouse?
It’s inevitable. An individual within a married couple will become the main financial person. It’s common knowledge that over the course of marriage, either the husband or wife will emerge as the “one who does the finances.” But should this be allowed to be taken to the extreme? Should only one be in charge of […]
3 Things You Can Do To Simplify Your Life In 24 Hours
One of our most serious enemies is Complexity. It saps your time by overwhelming you to the point of atrophy, and can lead us to believe there is nothing we can do about our chaotic lives. Whether you are struggling with your finances or simply needing to breathe easier, here are three things you can do […]
3 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Saving Money
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have a difficult time saving money. If the cash is there, it ends up getting spent! For those of us who need new ways of saving money, here are some great tips on saving more money than we thought possible. It’s All About Habits Before we get […]