The cost of college is rising fast. If you’ve taken out student loans to help pay for your education, how can you pay the debt as fast as possible?
Archives for 2015
Bible Verses About Worry: How To Cast Your Cares On Him In The Midst Of Trouble
We live in a world filled with worry and anxiety. What does the Bible have to say about it, and how can we find peace and calm in this troubled world?
Preparing For A Personal Health Catastrophe
Many of us will have a major health crisis in our lifetime. Are you prepared in case your health were to take a turn for the worse?
A Recap Of The Financial Hope Conference
I recently had the chance to attend The Financial Hope Conference. Here’s a recap of what I learned, and resources to check out from the expert panelists.
How To Run A Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdfunding has made it simple to raise money for nearly every type of business, social cause or personal project. How can you run a successful campaign?
Amazon Echo Review: Voice Controlled Bluetooth Speaker And Virtual Assistant
I purchased the Amazon Echo Bluetooth speaker and virtual assistant shortly after it launched. So how does it sound, and Is it worth the money?
The Financial Hope Conference – Creating Hope For A Smoother Financial Journey
You have likely heard of Steve and Annette Economides, otherwise fondly referred to as America’s Cheapest Family. The Economides raised five children while living on Steve’s modest income alone, and they did it without debt (save for a mortgage that they paid off within 11 years). The Economides have written three books: America’s Cheapest Family […]
How I Save… By Cutting Costs On Things I Already Pay For
One of the best ways to save money is to cut costs on your regular monthly bills that you’d be paying for anyway. Here’s how I save.
Amazon Fire TV Stick Review: A Device For The Cord Cutter’s Toolbox
A couple months ago I got an email from Amazon allowing me to pre-order their newest video streaming device, the Amazon Fire TV Stick. Here’s my review.
Improve Your Financial Situation By Making This One Change
This year, take the time to surround yourself with people who are responsible with their money. You’ll be amazed how much your own financial life improves.
Setting A Goal To Finally Start Saving For Retirement
With the start of the new year and with the motivation and good feelings that it brings, why not make this the year you start saving for your retirement?
The Grow Your Dough Throwdown 2.0 – Blogger Investing Challenge With Motif Investing
The Grow Your Dough Throwdown is back, and this year 20 bloggers and authors are going to be competing to be the investor with the highest returns. Join us!
7 Important Uses For Crude Oil And Why It Matters
Oil fuels our cars, trucks, and planes. However, there are a myriad of uses for crude oil that affect our lives. Buying a hybrid may not solve our problems.
15 Numbers You Need To Know To Make Smart Financial Decisions
The Wall Street Journal lists 15 important numbers that everyone should know to make better financial decisions. Here they are, broken down by category.