You Need A Budget recently announced that they are making YNAB free for college students. Here’s a step by step of how you can get the software for free.
Archives for August 2014
3 Things You Should Know About Consumer Credit Sites
Consumer credit sites can be helpful, but you do need to be aware of their limitations. Here are 3 things you should know about consumer credit sites.
4 Easy Steps To Start Getting Your Finances In Order
When all the signs are telling you that you should be doing your best to get things under control, and get a fresh start, where should you begin?
If You Want To Save Money, Consider The Costs Of Moving
We didn’t anticipate just how expensive moving, especially moving long distances, can be. Here’s what to consider before you pick up and move.
How To Make Coupons An Effective Part Of Your Overall Saving Strategy
If you want to maximize the amount you can save, coupons can be an effective part of your overall saving strategy. Here’s how to maximize your couponing.
11 Ways Using Coupons Can Cost You Money!
Here are 11 ways that using a coupon or buying on sale can actually lead us to spend more money than we had intended. Are you getting coupon blindness?
Your Home Is An Investment, But Not If You Raid It Constantly
The home buying process was eye opening for several reasons, but what I found most surprising was how many homebuyers owed more on their mortgage than the original mortgage was worth.
What Is The Average Retirement Savings By Age? Are You Falling Behind?
Statistics showing the average retirement savings by age are sobering. Studies have shown that people are becoming less likely to save for retirement.
Should I Do A Debt Consolidation Loan? Important Things To Consider Before You Do.
Debt Consolidation companies are everywhere offering to help reduce your payments and eliminate debt. Is debt consolidation ever a good idea, and when?
Don’t Let Summer Fun Distract You From Your Goals
Summer can be fun, but you don’t want it to break the bank. Before summer starts, take a step back, remind yourself of your long-term financial goals