Where you shop does matter. Making purchases of personal items or batteries at the grocery store is just begging to pay too much. When you buy these items at a grocery, you are paying for convenience, and the items are normally marked up. However, non-food items aren’t the purchases that might be overly-expensive at the […]
Archives for March 2012
Beware Of Tax Scams When Filing Your Return
Filing your taxes can be confusing enough without having to deal with scam artists and their tax scams. Here are some scams to be wary of this year when you file.
A Sad Week At Our House. Saying Goodbye To Aunt Jan And Other Loved Ones
This past week has been a rough one at our house. It all started last week when we heard that my wife’s uncle had passed away. His passing wasn’t a huge surprise as he’d been struggling with a variety of illnesses over the past year or two, and had been going slowly downhill. He passed […]
Will You Have To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Mortgage Debt Or Principal Reduction After A Foreclosure Or Short Sale?
When you have mortgage debt forgiven due to a short sale or foreclosure, will you be liable to pay for the forgiven amount when it comes to tax time?