When you’re looking for ways to save money, these unconventional ideas may not immediately come to mind. They can, however, help you to save.
Archives for August 2011
Roth IRA Vs. Roth 401(k): What Are The Differences?
How are pretax retirement accounts, the Roth IRA and the Roth 401(k), different? Does either of them have benefits over the other?
Bible Verses About Money: What Does The Bible Have To Say About Our Financial Lives?
The Bible has a lot to say about our financial and spiritual lives. Here is an extended selection of some of the 2000+ bible verses that talk about money.
Financial Heat Wave: 5 Ways To Beat The Heat This Summer On A Budget
With the recent heatwaves across the country, here a few activities that are pretty enjoyable to do when it’s scorching hot outside.
Lending Club Returns Still Improving: No Defaults And 10.76% Returns
My Lending Club returns are now over 10.7% with no defaults. Here’s the strategy that I’ve used successfully so far.