Is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University program worth the price you’ll pay to take it? Have you paid for the program, and if so, what did you think?
Archives for April 2011 Now Offers Integration
Betterment offers a simple way for regular folks to invest, and they’re now offering a $25 account bonus when you sign up!
ING Direct Investing Review: ShareBuilder Renamed, Refocused And Simplified
This week ING Direct announced that they would be renamed from ING Sharebuilder to ING Direct Investing. They also launched a cleaner, simpler site.
Going The Wrong Way? Poor Financial Decisions And How To Change Directions
Money is interwoven into many areas of our lives. It is no wonder that ‘going the wrong way’ financially, can have a direct and negative impact on us.
Will The Roth IRA Always Have Tax Free Withdrawals Or Could The Government Change The Retirement Accounts?
Roth IRA currently allows for tax free withdrawals at retirement, with no required minimum distribution. Will the accounts always stay tax free?
Trying To Save Money On Gas? Don’t Try These 5 Techniques
With the recent rise in gas prices, many people have been looking for ways to save money on gas. Here’s some things that won’t help, that you thought might.
YNAB (You Need A Budget) 3 Budget Software Review: Zero Based Budgeting Made Easy
One budgeting software that I’ve heard quite a bit of positive feedback about is You Need A Budget, a desktop budgeting software. Here’s my full review.
Lessons From Warren Buffett
The Berkshire Hathaway 2010 shareholder letter was recently published and can be found, along with the last 34 years of letters here. I would venture to say that most of you are familiar with the name Warren Buffett and his operation of Berkshire Hathaway. He’s an inspiration to millions of investors and his letters really […]
10 Steps On The Road To Financial Stability
When trying to get your financial life in control, there are some proactive steps you need to take along the way that will make the process that much easier.
What Should I Do If I Miss The Tax Deadline? What Happens If I Don’t File My Tax Return?
The saying goes that there are only two things that are sure in life, death and taxes. I think you can add one more thing to that list. You can be sure that you don’t want to mess around with the IRS and not file or pay your taxes. Just look at a long list […]
How To Start Your Dream Job
There are usually two jobs people talk about when asked what they do: their actual job and their dream job. What’s holding you back from starting your dream job?
Are You In A Position To Help Others?
As you read scripture, you probably notice injunctions to help the poor, widows, orphans and other unfortunates. I believe that one of the reasons that God blesses some of us with resources is so that we can help others. When we properly manage our finances, and do well with the stewardship given us, we put […]
Is Homeownership A Right?
Has home ownership gone from being a privilege for those who work hard and save up, to becoming a right for everyone?
Handy List Of Common Tax Deductions
We’re getting close to the time of year in which we have to file our personal taxes. Every year there are itemized deductions that are overlooked which can lower your taxable income. You certainly don’t want to pay more taxes than you owe, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve deducted everything you […]